Showing 43 Result(s)

Donald Trump might accidentally help nemesis Barack Obama get re-elected

Elections 2012 is almost here and the race for the GOP nomination has been both brutal and bitter. Entering the first week of February with a near victory in Iowa, a win in New Hampshire, a sore loss to Newt Gingrich in Christian ‘Deep South Carolina’, but recovering his dignity with a 14% victory in Florida, Mormon Mitt Romney is the Republican front runner. He’s been valiantly defending himself against Democrats, the liberal media sources like CNN (not FOX), and attacks from both Sarah Palin and Rick Perry. Every time the Republican party starts to gain cohesion something goes wrong. What did Newt do to upset Donald Trump? Keep reading…

Did Kelly Preston really make John Travolta give up his airplane?

John Travolta is allegedly keeping a secret that his marriage is in real trouble, but before you are too quick to believe the hype you might want to understand the source of the rumors. The National Enquirer is reporting that his wife Kelly Preston is about ready to give him the boot because he keeps jetting off with his celebrity friends and leaving her stuck taking care of their toddler and young daughter alone. They say the reason the actor just gave up one of his airplanes was because of his wife’s seemingly excessive demands. But was their “why” interpretation of the fact he just got rid of a jet correct? Keep reading…

Snooki from Jersey Shore offended by fake pregnancy news reports

When you listed to the audio tape of Snooki hearing the “news” she’s pregnant from random radio talk show hosts, you can audibly hear the stress in her voice. Her friend Jwoww jumped in to lend moral support claiming the tabloids had said she was pregnant, too. But it was not the baby rumor that upset her the most. It was why someone would think she looks pregnant. The only reason she could think of was that someone thinks she’s got a fat belly. Since she’s been on a major diet lately and has really been promoting health and fitness, she was truly upset by the thought of it. Keep reading…