Showing 13 Result(s)

Kelly Clarkson loves gays, lesbians and Republican Ron Paul?

American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson, who is a Texas native along with Ron Paul and famous country music singer, likes Republican Ron Paul so much she says she’d vote for him if he ran for president today. But the GLBT friendly celeb was was quick to clarify her endorsement, saying that she hadn’t intended to offend anyone. Though the star celeb identifies herself as a Republican, she did mention having “voted Democrat last election,” according to CNN. [Which specific election is up for debate, some may wonder.] But she didn’t go as far as pulling her support for the presidential candidate. What else did she have to say? Keep reading…

Dark Green News: Rick Perry claims climate change science a fraud?

Rick Perry has officially declared his candidacy as a Republican running for president. He started his campaign with a prayer meeting where he claimed that American was being punished by God for the way we live and our liberal ways. Rather than blaming bad financial management of the budget in the Bush years, financial mismanagement of the mortgage and banking industries, greedy insurance companies who have run the cost of healthcare to exorbitant highs, and a costly, lengthy war effort that is likely to have no end in site or benefit to the average American, he blamed God for smiting America. Now, he is attacking science. Keep reading…

Controversial Sarah Palin smart enough to impress young voters like Bristol Palin?

Bristol Palin thinks her mother Sarah Palin would make a great president of the United States because of how smart she is, and the celebrity teen mom from Alaska is really annoyed at anyone who does not share the same sentiment. “The biggest misconception about my mom that really irritates me is that she’s dumb,” Palin told a book store outlet rep in Arizona prior to a book signing for her new money-maker memoir titled Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far. According to the former Dancing With The Stars contestant her mother is, “… so smart, and if anyone had a conversation with her they’d realize that … she’s a whiz.” Does mama grizzly inspire that much confidence among older voters? Not really. Most folks who are well-educated or who have a high IQ realize that while the Tina Fey look-alike is highly marketable as a candidate, it will not be her bright lights behind the eyes that would get her taken seriously as a candidate. Rather, if she does run, it will most likely be her ability to appeal to the lowest common denominator of society with her good looks, passion for spinning conservative rhetoric, and her “I’m just like that country girl next door” charm she’s famous for wielding faster than an Obama insult or a hunting rifle. Keep reading…