@greencelebrity ~

Green Celebrity News Network is an organization of freelance writers and professional news journalists who share green news and opinion editorials about current events, entertainment news, and Hollywood going green.

While several of our news writers have elected to share stories under pen names to protect their privacy (allowing them an avenue to express political opinions and social issues commentary without fear of retribution at their other professional places of employment or in the public sector), many of the folks here are wide open about their firm belief in living a sustainable lifestyle as an eco-friendly, pet-friendly, or humanitarian person.


Our goal and mission is to share entertainment news with a green twist — bringing you the latest Hollywood news about trending topics related to star celebs while giving you those extra details about who the green celebrities are when the cameras are not rolling and how they have chosen to use their star power in the world.

As such, there is no entertainment news venue quite like Green Celebrity Network. We offer the Empath community a place where freelance writers can share the latest news and gossip about the famous people they love while giving them the opportunity to share links and information about the causes, charity benefit work, and non-profit organizations green carpet celebs endorse.


Join the GCN writing team as a news desk staff member or contributor:


Meet Our Writers (Past, Present, NOW HIRING FOR THE FUTURE)


Green Celebrity Network is an equal opportunity organization. We do not discriminate based on age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, political beliefs, or country of origin. However, we do reserve the right to maintain editorial guidelines in keeping with the tone and tenor of the GCN writers project. As such, we readily admit:

  • the site staff leans slightly left of center
  • supports gay marriage rights
  • supports equal rights for women, humans in general, and all pro-social global citizens

… and we can safely say all the writers who share stories here do hug trees and enjoy eating a big fat bowl of granola together occasionally.

Just sayin’ so nothing about our writers “spin” on things remains a mystery.