stop romanticizing the people that hurt you

Outing the Eco-Friendly, Pet Friendly, Humanitarians in Hollywood

Love good news? Green Celebrity Network shares green gossip about star celebs whose names are in the mainstream media news. Hear celeb gossip about a famous person and want to know more about them? Our reporters dig a little deeper to uncover the hidden secrets about which stars use their star powers wisely. We tell the truth about people who have done good deeds — even when it is easy to forget because of rumors about Hollywood scandals and all the bad news in the world about current events and different things. We are not afraid to dish dirt about celebrities who are not going green but should be — but are also generous with a compliment for positive baby steps taken in the right direction by any person with a famous face. So, if you are tired of reading the same old entertainment news [and are more independent minded and leaning left than conservative politically], GCN is definitely the right place to be reading daily. We love sharing all the small talk about stars that we hear behind the scenes about green celebrities. We offer community-minded multi-generational readers an alternative news source for tabloid gossip reviews and trending topics reports.

Go green.



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