Showing 749 Result(s)

Great American Conspiracies: JFK, UFOs, Herman Cain booty mystery?

Herman Cain — while he appears to be doing his best to pay women off and sweep rumors he is a cheater and a misogynist under the rug before his wife puts the kibosh on their more-than-13-year marriage — is failing in the polls because he won’t stop barking up the wrong tree. Claiming on the Sean Hannity show that he’s being framed, he looks dodgy at best and like a conspiracy theorist at worst. Want to see the video clip of his celebrity interview where he talks about texts and presumable sexts with his alleged mistress? Keep reading…

Hot Wheels: BMW teams with Toyota to develop green car technology

On December 1, 2011, BMW confirmed they will be working with Toyota to develop green car technology. What kind of green cars will the two famous auto makers dream up to promote their brands independently while promoting their car owners drive responsibly with regards to buying eco-friendly technology? Hopefully the new hot wheels designs and green car technology will influence American auto makers to challenge their design theories in the coming years, as it seems the new cars won’t be available to U.S. markets (at least expediently). Want to know more about what green tech autos might be coming to Europe in the near future? Keep reading…

Miley Cyrus Liberty Walk irks Occupy Wall Street protest leader? (video)

After the song Party In The USA went viral as the theme song to celebrate the demise of Osama Bin Lauden, her famous family members and press team had to have noticed there is big bucks to be made if they are successful as branding Miley Cyrus as a blue collar pop culture American icon. Now, the Disney princess has come out with a new music video called Liberty Walk — with a song dedicated to the Occupy Wall Street protest movement. But were her goals in making the song patriotic or profit seeking in nature? One leader of the group thinks Miley is insincere at best. Keep reading…