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Music News: Weird Al parody of Lady Gaga Born This Way song coming out?

Music News!

Weird Al parody of Lady Gaga Born This Way coming out?

[Apr. 22]

Weird Al Yankovic was struggling to come up with a hit single for his upcoming album. He had all the songs written, recorded, and mastered, he says on his blog, but he needed a single to make the album complete. Despite reservations that “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga would be what everyone expected him to parody, it would in fact be the hit he was looking for.

So, Weird Al sent an email asking for permission to release “Perform This Way” on his upcoming album, highlighting how it would preserve the integrity of pop star Lady Gaga and her human rights theme, and that he wanted the proceeds from the song to benefit the Human Rights Campaign. But representatives of Lady Gaga decided she would have to hear the song before she approved it.

Weird Al set about writing the lyrics so he could get the go-ahead in spite of the fact, as he notes, that his songs generally are upheld as “fair use” in court. He just likes to respect the position of the artists. So he sent off the lyrics to the Lady Gaga reps and got a response back again that she would have to actually hear it.

Weird Al writes in his blog:

At this point she has the lyrics… and hopefully she is familiar with her own song… and the parody is basically her music… with my lyrics. It really shouldn’t be that hard to decide – based on having the lyrics right in front of you – whether or not you’d be okay with a parody.

Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Playboy Mansion with Bunnies kid friendly?

Holiday News meets Hollywood Gossip!

Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Playboy Mansion with Bunnies kid friendly?

[Apr. 22]

Here’s some strange holiday weekend news for ya… did you know that every year, Playboy founder Hugh Hefner throws an Easter Egg hunt at the Playboy Mansion that seriously outdoes the one at the White House? That is, if you measure the kid friendly even in terms of bunny sightings.

The Playboy bunnies from various eras got together and brought their celebrity children (you know — the ones that are NOT famous because mom posed in the nudie magazine and might not have gone on to do more or less spectacular things).

The kids were treated to an Easter Egg hunt featuring actress Pamela Anderson and rock and roll star Gene Simmons (movie star of reality TV fame and lead singer for the rock band KISS).

How, exactly, Hef chose to further tie in the bunny theme with Easter in any of the mansion rooms away from the kids is not quite clear (thankfully), but suffice it to say that if you peruse the photo gallery of the 2011 Playboy Mansion Easter Egg Hunt here, the only person looking lascivious seemed to be Gene Simmons.

Looking for a little bunny tail, perhaps, while he was a house guest?

Did dancer Mark Ballas get American Idol singer Pia Toscano on DWTS?

Hollywood Gossip!

Did Mark Ballas secretly help ex American Idol contestant Pia Toscano get a gig singing on DWTS?

[Apr. 20]

Dancer Mark Ballas and Disney princess Chelsea Kane are keeping up with the rankings on Dancing with the Stars. Sources close to the production crew on DWTS staff are wondering if Ballas pulled some strings to to get the American Idol favorite onto Dancing with the Stars. After Pia introduced herself to the dance pro by way of a mutual acquaintance of wrestling star Chris Jericho, who also is a competitor on DWTS. Ballas says, no, though. Even thought judge favorite Pia Toscano was voted off of American Idol, she is still a hot commodity in Hollywood social circles as a new voice and pretty face, and the hot male celebrity dance pro took note. Apparently, that Pia Toscano will be performing next week on Dancing with the Stars while Ballas dances with Karina Smirnoff on the April 26 results episode thanks to a romantic spark between Pia and Mark. But he denies being anything more than just friends and claims he has zero influence with the producers decisions who to bring on the show as musical guests.

Ummm… yeah. Sure he doesn’t have any pull… and of course they are just friends… and no WAY the DWTS producers would ever think of capitalizing on some free press if one of their dance pros just happens to hook up on his down time with the hottest female contestant ever voted off American Idol.