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Dancing With The Stars: Justin Bieber to be next teen celebrity on DWTS?

Dancing With The Stars!

Rumors swirl Justin Bieber to be the next teen celebrity on DWTS?

[Apr. 10]

Romeo, rapper and current celebrity dancer on Dancing with the Stars with partner Chelsea Hightower, has said he’s got a big surprise in store for Justin Bieber fans. Romeo is encouraging voters to keep him in the running for the Dancing with the Stars for season finale surprise featuring Justin Bieber. If he competes, chances are he would be even more likely to make the top three than former teen celebrity Bristol Palin.

Romeo tells Hollywood Life:

“All the Justin Bieber fans, y’all can vote for me as well. If you all keep voting for me I’ll have a surprise, something with Justin. I can’t really tell but if I make it to the finale, it’ll be a great surprise for Bieber fans,”

He has some other advice for voters as well. Romeo says Justin Bieber would have no problem getting votes on Dancing with the Stars, as popular as he already is, and the Biebs already has some dance moves lined up, but Romeo confesses that ballroom dancing is not nearly as easy as it may look, and it’s a far cry from the kind of on-stage crooning the singer and teen heartthrob is accustomed to. Eyelash batting and hair flipping (what left the Biebs has of it) won’t cut it on DWTS.

Nevertheless, Justin Bieber and the charismatic rapper Romeo have worked together before. A remix of “Baby” by Justin Bieber features Romeo. And Romeo feels confident that whatever he has in store for Bieber fans on the finale of DWTS is sure to please. Is it all a bunch of hype, or do Romeo and the Biebs really have something in the works? shows Romeo and the Biebs playing celebrity basketball together a few months ago. Maybe the two worked something out.

Japanese Tsunami dog reunited with owner after high seas adventure?

Pet Friendly News!

Japanese Tsunami Dog reunited with owner but more pets and their owners need help?

[Apr. 7]

Following the 9.0 earthquake in Japan, the highest ever recorded in the nation’s history, the tsunami that devastated Japan left at least one dog alive. Nicknamed Tsunami Dog, the Japanese tsunami dog located a couple of miles off the coast of Japan, floating atop a roof amid the debris of a home, has been reunited with its owner.

From USA Today:

The unidentified owner, a woman in her 50s, saw a TV news report about the Japan Coast Guard’s rescue Friday and went to the animal care center in Tomiya, Miyagi Prefecture, NHK TV says.

The Japanese tsunami dog was rescued by the Coast Guard, three weeks after the tsunami devastated Japan. The tsunami dog was found floating nearly two miles out to sea after the devastating tsunami struck Japan, killing 20,000 people. The reports say the dog, a mixed breed named “Ban” was reunited with its owner, an unidentified woman, age 50.

The Seattle Times notes:

Several weeks after Japan’s devastating earthquake and tsunami, a loose network of pet groups is working to provide many of the services for stranded and stressed animals that emergency services have been providing for people, including food, medicine and shelter.

Tsunami Dog is just one of the pets rescued following the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Some people have questioned the resources used to find pets instead of people, The Seattle Times reports, but others have said that those people who have lost homes and livelihoods following the tsunami are grateful to have their pets, which help the people reduce anxiety as they care for those animals they love.

Celebrity Apprentice 2011: Who is Mark McGrath and why is he famous?

Celebrity Apprentice 2011!

Who is Mark McGrath and why is he famous?

[Apr. 6]

Mark McGrath, the lead singer and front man for the California pop rock band Sugar Ray, with hits like When It’s Over and Every Morning, was the co-host of Extra and currently hosts Don’t Forget the Lyrics. The green celebrity also signed a Philadelphia Souls jersey for rocker Jon Bon Jovi along with other notables in 2006 to help raise money for Project HOME in Philadelphia, providing services for chronically homeless people. McGrath will be competing on Celebrity Apprentice to benefit the Save the Music Foundation.

Named America’s Sexiest Rock Star in 1998 b