Showing 187 Result(s)

Marijuana Law: Snoop Dogg arrested after police smell pot smoke on bus?

Celebrity stoners are always in the news for making stupid decisions about when and where to smoke pot — even if they have a medical prescription to do it. Rap music singer Snoop Dogg is facing what local authorities are calling a minor drug charge in Texas after the state’s border patrol agents report they found several marijuana cigarettes on the celeb’s tour bus. But what gave them the right to search it? That’s an easy answer. The policemen had probable cause to search the vehicle because they claim they smelled it. Keep reading…

Beyonce and Jay Z baby hospital issued controversial press release, why?

In a controversial move that in some ways violates patient confidentiality, the hospital director where singer Beyonce Knowles and rapper Jay Z had their first baby has issued a press release. Now he’s famous and the celebrity couple appears silly (if they in fact authorized him to discuss the details of their private lives and new baby). In the document, the hospital directors strives to clear the air about whether or not rich and famous people can pay to rent out hospital wings to ensure the patient and their family members have complete privacy and are able to rest and recover after medical procedures in the lap of luxury. Keep reading…

American Idol Scotty McCreery has a bromance crush on NFL star Tim Tebow

American Idol winner Scotty McCreery fan might not be a fan of the Denver Broncos, but he certainly had flattering things to say about Tim Tebow while he watched football on Sunday January 9th, 2012. Tebow’s name went on fire when presidential hopeful Rick Perry (the Governor of Texas) gave him big props during the presidential GOP debates a few weeks ago. The republican tried to compare himself to the winner — but fumbled in his speech again. After trying to come off as cute, Christian, and quick witted he botched his attempt at glib jibe. Scotty McCreery pulled of complimenting Tim Tebow the right way, however. On Twitter. Keep reading…