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New TV show BOOMTOWN to expose real environmental cost of oil production on Planet Green?

Planet Green is hosting a new reality television show themed documentary about the real cost of oil, not at the pumps but what communities that produce oil have to pay out in quality of life to reap the benefits selling oil brings. The eco friendly channel revealed the following details about their new reality TV show names BOOMTOWN slated to air Saturday nights (starting January 29). The eco-friendly show promises to expose the ugly underbelly of the oil baron land holders and the new reality TV celebrities, in that the residents who get rich quick from the discovery of oil struggle with their own leviathan of sacrificing community for the sake of money. In the wake of the BP Gulf Oil Spill and the very real fact that the most researched phrases on the World Wide Web in 2010 were all related to oil spill news (even surpassing searches for Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and other celebrity figures like Twilight’s Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner), the show promises to reveal far more interesting cultural events that Kate Gosselin appearing on Sarah Palin’s Alaska [run by their cable network competition on TLC].

Celebrity Scandal: Keith Olbermann no longer suspended without pay from MSNBC for being a Democrat

When news hit the wires about celebrity anchor Olbermann’s suspension last week, many experts and critics quickly decried the actions of MSNBC, and some went so far as to wonder whether or not the action was politically motivated.

Celebrity anchor Olbermann had been quiet about the entire incident since Friday, but Sunday afternoon he broke his Twitter silence with these words: “Greetings From Exile! A quick, overwhelmed, stunned THANK YOU for support that feels like a global hug.”

Miley Cyrus in trouble again for playing the part of a slut says Parent group

When Miley took on her role with Disney and cultivated an audience of young girls that watched her and bought her album, she took on a level of personal responsibility tied with her branding and marketing.

To knowingly cultivate a kiddie audience and derive the profits related to having done it, Miley’s decision to incorporate sex rather than public awareness, social responsibility, having healthy self-esteem, and or natural beauty is both crass and inappropriate.

In my humble opinion.

What’s yours?

Sound off in the comments section below and tell the world what you think of Miley Cyrus’ decision to sell sex to her kiddie audience in an attempt to grab more adult male attention and stir controversy about whether or not she is bi-sexual.

Before you respond, keep in mind that Miley has been an open gay basher — but is now trying to capture the attention and dollars from the LGBT community.

She is also still under contract with Disney — although we think her days and popularity numbers there are waning swiftly.

As such, is throwing away her image and Disney contract a celebrity OOPS or celebrity scandal that will cost her fans in the long run and put her down on the celebrity D-List with her loser father or not?

Time will tell.