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Brad Pitt dedicated to green building cities and sustainable futures worldwide

Go Green Celebrities!

Brad Pitt studies green building as a hobby, but his commitment to seeing the Unites States and global communities create sustainable cities worldwide is his life’s work ambition when he is not in front of the cameras or red carpet bright lights.

Pitt and other green celebrities in Hollywood have given their celebrity endorsements to a green building charity benefit organization called Global Green USA. Here’s a list of Brad Pitt celebrity friends who stand with him in the fight for sustainable lifestyle trends.

Celebrity OOPS: Brangelina in another celebrity scandal thanks to lavish luxury home rental cost?

Yet another celebrity scandal plagues the Hollywood couple after news leaks about the cost of their rental home…

OOPS! The celebrity home the green celebrity royal family of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have chosen to rent for their stay during her work in Budapest, Hungary is creating a flurry of celebrity gossip and breaking news reports slamming the celebrities. [Oct. 11]

While Angelina Jolie makes her directorial debut filming a wartime romance in Budapest, word in the celebrity real estate gossip social circles is that the celebrity couple has rented a 10 bedroom luxury villa for the price of what most tabloid gossip sites seem to a