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Green Celebrities: Sugarland band waived humanitarian LOVE flag on CMT?

Green Celebrities!

Sugarland band waived humanitarian LOVE flag on CMT?

[Jun. 9]

Sugarland band members Jennifer Nettles and Kristian Busch were honored by their loyal fans when they were named the recipients of this year’s Duo Video of the Year at the 2011 CMT Music Awards show last night in Nashville. But they really brought the crowd to their feet as they offered one of the most inspiring performances of the evening singing their anthem Stand Up. Nettles and Busch walked onto the stage carrying a large white flag and began their song as the crowd went wild. The harmonious duo continued to sing as they welcomed Tiffani and Lexi Gilbert, two young sisters from Joplin, Mo., whose home was destroyed during a recent tornado. Graphic photographs showing the devastation left behind loomed in the background as the sisters took center stage and Jennifer Nettles handed them the simple, hand-made, white flag with the single word “LOVE” written on it. The sisters waved the flag along with a smaller version while the audience waved similar flags in unison. It was an emotional and uplifting scene to say the least. And the message was loud and clear, “won’t you stand up and use your voice”.