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Celebrity Stalker: Wayward teen fixated on Sarah Palin daughter Willow?

Celebrity Stalker!

Sarah Palin stalker just a wayward teen after Willow — not Bristol Palin or their famous mother?

[Apr. 15]

Sarah Palin stalker, Shawn Christy, 19, may be up to something again. Sarah Palin certainly thinks so. Palin claims that Shawn Christy has recently threatened to rape her daughter. At first, it was unclear which daughter, but Palin has clarified that it is Willow the stalker is hunting, and “bothered [her] tremendously,” according to TMZ.

A judge has made a new temporary restraining order effective last week, and Sarah Palin is due to be in court on April 27 to make the TRO permanent if possible.

Just last month, the Sarah Palin stalker asked a judge to identify where Sarah Palin lives so he wouldn’t accidentally violate the restraining order by wandering too close. The restraining order restricts the Sarah Palin stalker from being within a mile of the Palin homestead. The judge had yet to rule on that particular request, although Sarah Palin has said that her stalker should simply stay away from homes in Alaska that he is not invited to, as if that would work.

According to AOL News, Shawn Christy, the Sarah Palin stalker, believes he had a sexual relationship with Sarah Palin that she should reveal to the FBI. Palin claims he has sent her a receipt for a gun in the mail (though how, if he didn’t know her address?) and that he has sent her harassing emails, one of which claimed that his plane had just landed in Alaska.

Election 2012: Jesse Ventura says Sarah Palin will be elected President?

Election 2012!

Jesse Ventura predicts reality television star Sarah Palin will run for United States President and become the first female president elected?

[Apr. 10]

Jesse Ventura, famed Minnesota governor and former WWE wrestler, is saying Sarah Palin probably will win the presidency if she runs. Sadly, Ventura’s prediction may be right. Elections are far more about popularity and media coverage today than they were in the past, and Sarah Palin is practically a household name.

Jesse Ventura believes Sarah Palin will be far more likely to be manipulated by the powers that be than current President Barack Obama. To that end, Sarah Palin having her own reality television series Sarah Palin’s Alaska is a step in the direction of media saturation needed for a successful bid for the presidency.

Digital Spy reports:

“They’re grooming her for it, she’s got a TV show,” Jesse Ventura said. “It seems that elections today are more popularity than they are substantial issues.”

“[Sarah Palin would] be perfect. She’s the type of person that certainly will be controlled by the status quo and the power structure. So she’d make a perfect candidate for them, she’ll do what she’s told.”

Jesse Ventura has no particular love for Sarah Palin. He just believes the Republican Party is grooming her for the presidency. He’s been outspoken of his feelings for her before, calling Palin a quitter and accusing her of abandoning Alaskans by quitting mid-term.

Celebrity OOPS: Justin Bieber named number 7 on list of Top 50 Women on the Web?

There is a rumor circling tonight in celebrity gossip circles that teenage singing sensation Justin Bieber has been named on a list of the top 50 most researched women on the web. Apparently, the teen boy did not just make the top 50 list — he came in at number 7. Want to know who else was on the list? Keep reading…