Showing 9 Result(s)

Elections 2012: Elisabeth Hasselbeck agrees with Liberals about Palin?

Elections 2012!

Hell hath frozen over, apparently, because Liberals agree with Elizabeth Hasselbeck about Sarah Palin?

[Jun. 3 — Editorial]

View co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck says notorious reality television star and ex-Governator of Alaska Sarah Palin is manipulating the media to turn public support and attention away from presidential candidate Mitt Romney announcing he is running for office with the hope of beating a failing and flailing President Barack Obama. On May 2, Hasselbeck argued vehemently in her usual ridiculous Republican Barbie doll brain-dead fashion that although the country is facing major economic problems Sarah Palin’

Elections 2012: John McCain says Sarah Palin can beat Barack Obama?

The Huffington post reported John McCain’s new political position blunder with the funniest picture of John McCain simply looking like an idiot. While they strove to spin the article in a neutral light, there is just no way for educated people to take Sarah Palin seriously. The only way that woman would get elected would be not on a political bent — but simply to rub white table salt in Obama’s very black heart over the continued but weakened war efforts, high gas prices, a continued failing housing market, and ridiculously high unemployment. Oh — and remember when recently deceased politician Geraldine Ferraro was fired? Keep reading…

Election 2012: Jerry Springer thinks Donald Trump is next Sarah Palin?

Election 2012!

Jerry Springer thinks Donald Trump is next Sarah Palin?

[Apr. 23]

Jerry Springer, who once was the mayor of Cincinnati, was ousted from politics because of a relationship with a prostitute. He briefly considered a run for the Senate in 2003, but backed off because of the notoriety of his show, Jerry Springer, a television series which he readily admits is silly — but claims he totally does for the money. But Springer never is far from politics. He was asked recently about his feelings of real estate tycoon Donald Trump possibly running for president in 2012, and he is not exactly kind to the Donald.
PopEater reports:

“Remember when you were a little kid and a wise guy at the back of the class would shout things out?” Jerry asks. “That’s Trump. He makes you laugh and giggle.”

Those are some pretty harsh words about Donald Trump coming from a man like Jerry Springer, who has made his living the last 20 years shocking people and otherwise making people giggle over the antics on his television show, Jerry Springer. If anyone knows what it means to be a celebrity clown, Springer does.

Regarding his own show, Springer tells PopEater:

“It’s so stupid,” he says. “Our niche is outrageous, so we are not competing with anyone. We have cornered the market. It’s total escapism, where we never pretend to be anything we are not. It’s hard to find a job that is this much fun. It keeps me young.”

So what does he have to say about Donald Trump and his eligibility to run for president? He compares Donald Trump, who he calls “the flavor of the month” for Republicans, to the former Republican sweetheart Sarah Palin. Effectively, he has identified that Republicans are trying to paint a new face over the party.