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Celebrity Diets: Kimora Lee Simmons save the tatas diet secrets revealed

Celebrity Diets!

Kimora Lee Simmons terrifying new Save The Tatas diet secrets revealed — stop eating to get thin?

[Apr. 16]

Sadly, this celebrity is not dieting to prevent breast cancer or to promote breast cancer awareness. Kimora Lee, model and author, has a fascinating new weight loss plan. Just don’t eat! But it’s not that simple, she says. Kimora is trying to assure everyone that she doesn’t actually starve herself to death, because, as one author points out in Gawker, of all the fat to go by starving oneself, the boobs are the first to go. We don’t want that!

No, Kimora Lee Simmons has said her diet balanced her meals with lean protein and other green and healthy foods, combined with some exercise, to drop 25 pounds in a year. That really is the healthy way to go. Many celebrities, especially models, attempt to drop as much weight and as many dress sizes as they can within a week to a month before a fashion show, new movie cameo, photo shoot, or TV guest appearance, which is a seriously unhealthy diet. They also tend to embrace either Kimora’s style of dieting (which simulates Anorexia) or the binge purge regime of mentally unbalanced men and women who love to eat but are obsessed with staying thin.

The former Mrs. Russel Simmons said, according to PopEater:

“I have shed the fat by not eating,” Kimora half-jokingly tells me. “But I don’t like to tell the kids that so they think they shouldn’t eat. No, I watch my portions, and I eat leaner proteins and vegetables and stuff like that.”

She backed up her claims that she is neither anorexic or starving herself in an unhealthy manner, telling PopEate she is not like other models or reality television stars the following diet story:

“I was out one night with two famous sisters” — Kimora asked that I not reveal the identity of the young reality stars — “when a bunch of burgers were being passed around. I went to grab one and the two of them looked shocked. They said, ‘We don’t eat.’ Then after I grabbed a burger, they said they were joking but I knew they weren’t!”

The sisters (Kardashian sisters, we presume but can’t prove) were starving themselves, according to Kimora, and that’s just not healthy. And with word on the streets that Kim Kardashian has been wearing Spanx, it’s easy enough to believe. The diet according to Kimora Lee Simmons is much more healthy, and obviously it works.

The celebrity mom and reality television star is looking great!

Little Monsters: Lady Gaga cat lady killer look inspired real pet death?

Celebrity Scandal!

Little Monsters learn shocking news as fan girl goes Gaga, killing family pet cat to make a dress?

[Apr. 16]

This is not a pet friendly news story. Preparing for a Lady Gaga show in Oklahoma City this week, one girl went wildly over the edge to imitate the iconic pop star, known for showing up to the MTV Music Awards in her now infamous meat dress. Angelina Barnes, 20, of Oklahoma City, drowned and mutilated the 15-year-old family cat while dressed in a Lady Gaga outfit and proceeded to cover her face in cat blood, according to Radar Online.

Relatives of Angelina Barnes came home to find all the lights in the home out, with duct tape over all the switches, preventing them from turning on any lights. In the bathroom, they found the cat, drowned in the bathtub and mutilated. The bathroom was covered in purple hair dye and cat blood, and the cat’s eyes had been poked out. The cat’s liver was found in a make-up box, according to The Huffington Post.

Apparently Angelina Barnes had first drowned the cat, then sliced it down the middle, using the cat blood to paint herself before the Lady Gaga concert. Following that, she mutilated the cat’s body. At least one of Lady Gaga’s “Little Monsters” got way out of control this time. Nobody knows if the disturbed girl intended to do anything else with the mutilated body as part of the concert costume.

Celebrity Style: Kim Kardashian secret weapon SPANX revealed under red dress?

Celebrity Style!

Kim Kardashian secret weapons revealed under red dress?

[Apr. 16]

Spanx you very much, paparazzi photogs, for revealing what should never be seen on a cover model with the red press upskirt shot. In a wild twist on what women wear to look good, we now have a brand marketing dream story on what women wear to perform better (while looking good, of course).

Reality television starlet Kim Kardashian was caught wearing Spanx under her dress to tame her beastly thighs in a picture you can see at Gawker and here from Hollywood Life. We’re not sure if she was trying to look thinner, since she and sister Khloe Kardashian have been complaining recently about looking too fat, or if she just thinks its a hot new-old style, like retro-wear — the modern day girdle — to control lumpy leg tops and increase her animal magnetism.

Spotting Kim Kardashian in Spanx was definitely a bot of a dream crusher for her male followers, as we all like to daydream the lovely Miss Kardashian is naturally perfect. Besides, wasn’t her plastic surgeon supposed to have fixed all that hot mess thing she had going on with her backside and thighs a while ago — or was that just a rumor? That Kim Kardashian had lyposuction and thigh sculpting procedures to make her look all the more perfect with and without her designer clothes present?

As for Spanx, the brand… guys might not really know the secret weapon women wear — but anyone drug to watch the chick movie Bridget Jones Diary knows that while a girl might look smoking hot in her dress that once the clothes come off she may be wearing enormous panties.