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Celebrity Stalker: Wayward teen fixated on Sarah Palin daughter Willow?

Celebrity Stalker!

Sarah Palin stalker just a wayward teen after Willow — not Bristol Palin or their famous mother?

[Apr. 15]

Sarah Palin stalker, Shawn Christy, 19, may be up to something again. Sarah Palin certainly thinks so. Palin claims that Shawn Christy has recently threatened to rape her daughter. At first, it was unclear which daughter, but Palin has clarified that it is Willow the stalker is hunting, and “bothered [her] tremendously,” according to TMZ.

A judge has made a new temporary restraining order effective last week, and Sarah Palin is due to be in court on April 27 to make the TRO permanent if possible.

Just last month, the Sarah Palin stalker asked a judge to identify where Sarah Palin lives so he wouldn’t accidentally violate the restraining order by wandering too close. The restraining order restricts the Sarah Palin stalker from being within a mile of the Palin homestead. The judge had yet to rule on that particular request, although Sarah Palin has said that her stalker should simply stay away from homes in Alaska that he is not invited to, as if that would work.

According to AOL News, Shawn Christy, the Sarah Palin stalker, believes he had a sexual relationship with Sarah Palin that she should reveal to the FBI. Palin claims he has sent her a receipt for a gun in the mail (though how, if he didn’t know her address?) and that he has sent her harassing emails, one of which claimed that his plane had just landed in Alaska.

Rip Van Biden: New nickname for Joe Biden compliments of The Daily Show?

Rip Van Biden!

Best new nickname for VP compliments of The Daily Show?

[Apr. 15]

Change has come to America, and apparently all the hard work to make it happen makes politicians of the highest rank and order need a nap. Vice President Joe Biden appeared to fall asleep during a speech given at George Washington University by President Barack Obama regarding the Federal deficit this week, provoking huge laughs and winces from nearly everybody who saw the clip of Joe Biden asleep during an Obama speech. For several seconds at least, Vice President Biden had his eyes closed, after which he opened his eyes and bowed his head, leaving some to think he could have been sleeping. Like late night talk show host Jon Stewart on The Daily Show April 14th.

Soap Opera Drama: ABC cancels All My Children and One Life To Live true?

Soap Opera Drama!

ABC cancels All My Children and One Life To Live rumor true?

[Apr. 15]

Shock and devastation for soap opera fans! ABC will be canceling its seminal daytime soap operas, One Life to Live and All My Children and both fans and the cast seem to indicate the same thing — it feels like the network is killing family. The surprising true news rumor verification came Thursday as ABC announced in a press release that it will be replacing the shows with two new shows — The Chew, a show focusing on food from all angles rather than other shows that focus on particular chefs, restaurants, or styles; and a show tentatively titled The Revolution, a daily focusing on health and lifestyle. Both new titles will be hard for soap opera devotees to swallow.

ABC says:

Guided by extensive research into what today’s daytime viewers want and the changing viewing patterns of the audience, ABC is evolving the face of daytime television with the launch of two new shows, “The Chew” which will premiere in September 2011 and “The Revolution” (working title) which will premiere in January 2012.