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Celebrity Teens: Demi Lovato mental illness confessions big news?

Celebrity Teens!

Demi Lovato speaks out about her mental illness?

[Apr. 15]

Disney Princess Demi Lovato recently was released from rehab over alleged drug and alcohol issues, after striking out at one of her dancers for confessing the teen starlet’s partying to her parents. Then she confessed to Seventeen magazine about an eating disorder. Just this Thursday, the singer and actress tweeted encouragement to Catherine Zeta-Jones, who also has gone into treatment for bipolar disorder, and she had only positive words for the actress and wife of Michael Douglas. All of these events for the celebrity teen made major media headline news. That is pretty exciting for an up and coming starlet, pop music star, and television personality — considering the very real fact most adults in America have never heard of her.

“I don’t know Catherine Zeta-Jones personally but what she has decided to do it SO brave.. And SO difficult but worth it… I’m proud of her,” the Disney starlet said on Twitter. News flash.

And speaking of Twitter, don’t let Demi Lovato know that you text while driving. On Wednesday, she tweeted a twitpic of a man in a car next to her, obviously looking down toward the steering column instead of at the road ahead of him where he should have been looking. Huge entertainment journal response.

Demi was not impressed. “FYI – this is how dumb you look when you are texting while driving…. Hahaha #donttextndrive,” reports, and she added, “P.s. I was NOT driving when I took this! :p” Good for you! We don’t need any more irresponsible drivers on the roads. Talk show fodder.

[And the Disney princess might just punch you like she punched her dancer when she had her breakdown. Kidding! She’s better now. Feature article.]

Kardashian Sisters: Kim Kardashian wedding planning with Kris Humphries?

Kardashian Sisters!

Kim Kardashian wedding planning with Kris Humphries?

[Apr. 14]

Is reality television star (now questionable singer and possible movie star) Kim Kardashian talking about wedding plans to NBA star and Harry Potter troll lookalike Kris Humphries? Some sources say so. Most shocking is a tweet coming from Kim’s Twitter account that made mention of her “future husband,” though the green celebrity and Keeping Up with the Kardashians star has said it was just Kris Humphries fiddling with her phone, says Hollywood Life. Maybe he’s got more interest in getting hitched to the reality television than she does? Sources doubt it.

Celebrity Cafe reports that Kim Kardashian has spoken to Life and Style Magazine:

Kardashian has talked about what wedding ring she would want. “I want Lorraine to design me a big diamond ring,” Kardashian told friend Brittny Gastineau. A friend also said, “Her idol is Elizabeth Taylor, who was a good friend of Lorraine’s, so she wants to take inspiration from one of Elizabeth’s prized possessions: her famous cushion-cut Krupp diamond. Kim’s been talking to Lorraine about it a lot lately,” according to

Kim Kardashian and an insider went on to tell Life and Style Magazine that the reality television star and green celebrity has long envisioned what her wedding will be like. The insider tells the magazine that Kim already is planning a trip to Paris for a Chanel wedding gown. “She wants a white strapless floor-length gown that’s traditional but sexy and makes her feel like a princess,” says the insider.

stop romanticizing the people that hurt you

Strange News: Jon Stewart praised FOX conservative Bill O’Reilly?

Strange News!

Late night talk show host and liberal Jon Stewart praises FOX conservative talk show host Bill O’Reilly for statements about Michelle Obama and Barack Obama?

[Apr. 14]

Gasp. Just when you thought FOX News hated all things liberal, and just when you thought comedian and green celebrity Jon Stewart of The Daily Show hated all things FOX News, the comedian and television host actually praised FOX News commentator Bill O’Reilly, host of The O’Reilly Factor for dismissing claims that President Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii, and dismissing claims that First Lady Michelle Obama lost her license to practice law.

Jon Stewart on The Daily Show went on to mock Sarah Palin, for continuing to claim that President Obama may have something to hide by not making his birth certificate public, in spite of evidence to the contrary, notes the Huffington Post. Stewart also mocked Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN) for saying she takes Obama at his word, with Jon Stewart joking, “You don’t accept gravity because you take Newton’s word for it.”