Ashton Kutcher not tweeting condolences to Joe Paterno about lung cancer, why?

Joe Paterno has lung cancer. Ashton Kutcher is getting divorced. What is the link between the two? A very stupid @aplusk tweet regarding the famous head coach of Penn State being fired over a sex scandal, of course.

Joe Paterno Penn State legendary coach Joe Paterno was forced to resign over a sex scandal prior to news being released his health might be critical. Ashton Kutcher defending him by tweet for his part in covering up a sex scandal on campus was allegedly the final straw for actress Demi Moore. She is filing for divorce from the Two And A Half Men star while Joe Pa is heading into lung cancer treatment.

Gossip Cop reports, “The embattled former Penn State football coach is said to have a treatable form of the disease.”

“Last weekend my father was diagnosed with a treatable form of lung cancer during a follow-up visit for a bronchial illness,” said Scott Paterno in a statement released to the press in the week following being forced out of his Penn State coaching position.

According to the statement, “He is currently undergoing treatment and his doctors are optimistic that he will make a full recovery. As everyone can appreciate, this is a deeply personal matter for my parents, and we simply ask that his privacy be respected as he proceeds with treatment.”

People are already speculating that the same network that helped keep the Jerry Sandusky scandal under wraps might now be helping to fabricate the lung cancer story. Why? So the former head coach, at 84 years old, would never have to worry about serving one day of jail time if he were to ever be implicated as an accomplice.

Bottom line, the news he was fired following by stories about why were tragic. To hear he is also ill is equally disturbing for those who know and love him and would never expect such a hero in sports to protect an accused pedophile who worked for him.

In the meantime, the Penn State scandal has also had a profound effect on Hollywood culture. Not only have a variety of star celebs expressed disgust at hearing what happens, actress Demi Moore has finally decided to divorce Ashton Kutcher.

Kutcher, a well-known green celebrity with over 7 million followers, tweeted his support for Joe Paterno when he heard he was fired over the allegations about Sandusky.

Although Kutcher says he regrets sharing a tweet in which he said people who supported firing Joe Pa had no class.

That remark, although off the cuff, was enough to let Demi know about the maturity level Kutcher has, and his lack of empathy for the victims of the sex abuse scandal (presuming they are telling the truth about having been abused) did their relationship in. Kutcher was caught in a cheating scandal earlier in the year with an aspiring actress named Sarah Leal.

Ashton and Demi recently founded a foundation to help victims abused by the sex slave industry. With all the comparisons made the past few years about college football players being (essentially) unpaid laborers forced to act like indentured servants, the entire college football key word tie to Kutcher unsettling at best.

Kutcher claimed he would not be tweeting again until he could manage his twitter feed more responsibly, deleting the now infamous tweet that railed against people for not keeping Joe Paterno as the head coach of the Penn State football team.

He has not, to date, mentioned condolences publicly to the coach for his battle with lung cancer.

Good call.