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Green Celebrity News: Green celebrities attend Go Green Expo

Green Celebrity News!

Green celebrities like Mariel Hemingway and Ed Begley Jr. attend Go Green Expo —

[Mar. 4]

The Go Green Expo — a première green business and sustainable lifestyle show — is scheduled to return to the Los Angeles Convention Center April 15th-17th. Offering visitors the opportunity to browse more than 200 eco-friendly booths that will undoubtedly showcase a plethora of eco friendly and groovy bright green products and services, the green celebrities involved with environmental causes will be heading down to give their celebrity endorsement with treehugger passion.

In Hollywood, green celebrities are becoming easier to find. Eco-friendly celebrity guest speakers will be on hand to share their green expertise and green lifestyle tips with all the Expo guests (and it sounds like the even t hosts plan to have panels set up that will allow guests to actually interact with the celebs by asking some questions.

One special green celebrity speaker will be animal rights activist Captain Paul Watson, founder and president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Best known for his crusader role on Animal Planet’s Whale Wars, Watson will be passionately addressing the Expo audience about his inspiring eco friendly life and journey on the high-seas.

Other green celebrities who are lending their star power to give a celebrity endorsement to the green movement include the following confirmed guest speakers:

* Mariel Hemingway — Always lovely actress and celebrity health and fitness conscious author of “Mariel Hemingway’s Healthy Living from the Inside Out”
* Ed Begley Jr. — Actor, author and green celebrity co-star of the Planet Green series “Living with Ed”
* Eric Cory Freed — Author, educator, organic architect and green builder

Green Tips: Avoid freezing or melting while saving money on Heat and AC?

Green Tips!

5 simple ways to lower your energy bill without freezing or melting —

[Jan. 23]

Lowering your electric bill each month is an easy #EcoMonday goal to achieve if you focus first on reducing your heating and cooling costs. Since the greatest amount of energy drawn from your local electric company power grid typically comes from heating and cooling your home [with your hot water heater pulling a close second, follower by your washer and dryer, refrigerator, that oh-so-cool big screen plasma TV, and then all those convenience appliances and nifty electronic gadgets that constantly drain your house even when off (by pulling phantom energy)], you want to turn that thermostat DOWN in the winter and UP in the summer for sure. But what if you don’t want to freeze or melt? Don’t worry — there is still hope for you to be able to cut electric bill costs while being comfortable in your own green house.