Showing 8 Result(s)

Marijuana Laws: Supreme Court rule Police can enter if they smell pot?

Marijuana Laws!

Supreme Court rule Police can enter your home without a warrant if they smell pot?

[May 17]

Here’s a green news update, for better or for worse. The Supreme Court members have sided with Police that they can enter a home without a search warrant if they claims to smell pot. The problem is, how does one prove where law enforcement really smelled marijuana or not? It’s a civil rights disaster for those who value privacy along with their right to feel safe and protected in their home. Big Brother just took one more legalized step into American homes, and they want your pot.

The Supreme Court ruled against a Kentucky man named Hollis King on May 16th, 2011 when he tried to legally defend his right to keep a private home free from law enforcement intrusion. He was formally arrested after local police came charging into his apartment without a search warrant. Their probably cause? The officers say they entered the domicile because they smelled marijuana. The reason they cited for busting in the door was that they though he was trying to get rid of incriminating evidence.


Voting 8-1, the Supreme Court Justices reversed the state Supreme Court ruling that had originally thrown out all the physical evidence the intruding officers gathered when they entered Hollis King’s apartment.

Growing Green: Buy hemp products, save the planet? (Green Products List)

Growing Green!

Buy hemp products, save the planet?

Green Products List —

[Apr. 24]

Hemp has got to be one of the most underrated and useful textile products in the world. Hemp, when grown and used to make actual industrial hemp products creates more eco-friendly and sustainable products than just about any other plant imaginable — and we are not just talking about growing marijuana for medicinal purposes. We are talking about really useful hemp products like:

* hemp fabric,
* hemp clothing,
* hemp oil,
* industrial hemp,
* organic cotton textile products fortified with organic hemp to increase durability
* hemp

How To Go Green: Simple ways to make your home more eco-friendly exist?

How To Go Green!

Simple ways to make your home more eco-friendly —

[Apr. 21]
Making your house into an eco-friendly home doesn’t have to be top dollar expensive or ridiculously time consuming. You don’t have to be a celebrity like Leonardo DiCaprio or Ed Begley Jr. to do it, either. One smart energy company has actually just released a list of eco friendly HOW TO GO GREEN lifestyle tips related to helping consumers save money on electricity while doing the right thing for the environment.

According to MXenergy, going green is something you do by making one small change at a time. As one of the nation’s leading independent energy providers, the organization’s staff are big proponents of the sustainability movement, saving the planet by improving the world one eco friendly house at a time.

As part of the company’s Earth Week celebration, MXenergy offered clients and people searching for information on ways to go green at home a simple, easy list of go green tips. The best part? Any homeowner or renter can use their bright green ideas to reduce their home’s carbon footprint and increase their energy efficiency.

“I think it is important for people to realize that small changes really do have an impact,” says Marjorie Kass, MXenergy Managing Director. “Sometimes people have the perception that ‘going green’ is going to cost them a lot of money. The truth is there are simple, inexpensive choices we all can make that really do make a difference.”

We concur.