How To Go Green: Simple ways to make your home more eco-friendly exist?



How To Go Green!

Simple ways to make your home more eco-friendly —

[Apr. 21]

Making your house into an eco-friendly home doesn’t have to be top dollar expensive or ridiculously time consuming. You don’t have to be a celebrity like Leonardo DiCaprio or Ed Begley Jr. to do it, either. One smart energy company has actually just released a list of eco-friendly HOW TO GO GREEN lifestyle tips related to helping consumers save money on electricity while doing the right thing for the environment.

According to MXenergy, going green is something you do by making one small change at a time. As one of the nation’s leading independent energy providers, the organization’s staff are big proponents of the sustainability movement, saving the planet by improving the world one eco-friendly house at a time.

As part of the company’s Earth Week celebration, MXenergy offered clients and people searching for infromation on ways to go green at home a simple, easy list of go green tips. The best part? Any homeowner or renter can use their bright green ideas to reduce their home’s carbon footprint and increase their energy efficiency. “I think it is important for people to realize that small changes really do have an impact,” says Marjorie Kass, MXenergy Managing Director.

“Sometimes people have the perception that ‘going green’ is going to cost them a lot of money. The truth is there are simple, inexpensive choices we all can make that really do make a difference.”

We concur. Check out the eco-friendly list of ways to green your home in the section below, excerpted from their company press release.


MXenergy’s Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint at Home

  1. Convert incandescent bulbs to more energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs. The Department of Energy estimates converting only a quarter of your bulbs can reduce your lighting bill by 50%.
  2. Turn lights off. If you are leaving a room for more than five minutes, turn off all lights when you leave.
  3. Natural light is the most efficient light. Open blinds during the day and close them at night to conserve energy.
  4. Only run your dishwasher, washing machine and dryer when full to avoid wasting energy.
  5. Wash clothes in cold water and cut your energy usage by 50%.
  6. Scrape your plates. Scraping rather than rinsing dishes will help conserve water.
  7. Install an energy efficient showerhead. Showers account for the largest amount of home hot water usage.
  8. Lower your thermostat. You will save 3-5% for every 10 degrees you lower the temperature.
  9. Unplug. Your computer, cell phone charger, video game console, and DVD player all drain electricity when not in use. A great way to identify “phantom” drains is to walk through your home with the lights off and look for those red and green lights still shining. If you don’t need it, turn it off.
  10. Opt out. Printed phone books waste a tremendous amount of paper and ink. Visit for an easy way to opt out of multiple directories at once.

“The wonderful thing about these tips is that they cost the homeowner virtually nothing. Yet each of these choices reduces energy use and pays big environmental dividends,” says Kass.  


About MXenergy


MXenergy is one of the fastest growing retail natural gas and electricity suppliers in North America, serving approximately 500,000 customers in 41 utility territories in the United States and Canada. For over 11 years, the company has provided millions of customers with a choice in how they purchase energy to run their homes and businesses. Founded in 1999 to provide natural gas and electricity to consumers in deregulated energy markets, MXenergy helps residential customers and small business owners control their energy bills by providing both fixed and variable rate plans MXenergy is committed to best practices in environmental conservation, supporting local communities through various outreach programs and is a member of the Chicago Climate Exchange. For more infromation about MXenergy please visit