Showing 39 Result(s)

Martha Stewart career going to the dogs (TV ratings low, show cancelled)

Cancelled!?! Say what? Martha Stewart, the iconic homemaker and television star celeb known for her arts and crafts projects and fine foodie sense, will not be appearing on the Hallmark channel as the anchor for her own daytime television show any longer. Entertainment Weekly spoke to the network and confirmed that the show starring the pet friendly celebrity herself is just one of a number of lifestyle theme TV shows belonging to the Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia brand, will cease production in April of 2012. Now, she’s taking flack from the New York Post who says her career has essentially gone to the dogs. Keep reading…

Celebrity Divorce: Sinead O’Connor divorced faster than Kim Kardashian?

It seems news of Hollywood break-ups and divorce are dominating the headlines over the 2011 holidays. First, there was the divorce for Kim Kardashian, just before Thanksgiving, following a 72-day marriage to NBA star celeb Kris Humphries. Then came the post-Thanksgiving announcement from Chaz Bono, who tweeted a sweet but noncommittal separation from fiancee Jennifer Elia in the months following his big marriage proposal. Now we learn that Sinead O’Connor, who recently married Barry Herridge, has decided to end that marriage after just 18 days. That’s faster than a speeding Kardashian! What happened? Keep reading…

New Muppet on Sesame Street bullied for being poor by IRL conservatives?

Muppet creators are known for introducing tough topics on societal and humanitarian issues since its inception in 1969, showcasing its cast of multicultural characters. Today it’s no different with Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit organization that produces Sesame Street. The organization is introducing a new muppet resident on Sesame Street, according to the New York Times, and her name is Lily. Lily is a normal 7-year-old muppet girl, but she has a problem. Her parents aren’t making enough money to put food on the table. If you are a humanitarian, please read this story thoughtfully, comment using facebook, and Twitter share. Keep reading…