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Not Winning: Charlie Sheen Torpedo of Truth show bombed in New York City

Entertainment News!

Not Winning: Disgraced actor Charlie Sheen booed of stage in New York City?

[Apr. 9]

Charlie Sheen isn’t making many friends these days, and the former star of Two and a Half Men, and once the highest paid actor in television history, seems not to be winning and in fact seems to be losing audience numbers as he tours the nation with his live stage tour, most recently in New York City at Radio City Music Hall.

Sheen, dressed in a New York Yankees cap and shirt, (and probably full of tiger blood) was met with a semi-standing ovation at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, says TMZ, but the show quickly turned sour as Charlie sheen did little more than rant and tell stories about his drug and alcohol addictions war stories, without any of the fun details thrown in about him wanting to keep the party rolling.

Previous shows Charlie Sheen put on in Chicago, Cleveland, and Columbus met with standing ovations, but the New York City debut shut down about 30 minutes ahead of one Ohio show.

Glenn Beck Show: Did FOX cancel because he’s nuts or is he just moving on?

Television News!

Did FOX cancel the Glenn Beck Show because he is nuts or is he simply moving on with his next career goals?

[Apr. 9]

Fox News, along with Mercury Radio Arts, the company Glenn Beck founded, announced Thursday that The Glenn Beck Show on Fox News will be canceled later this year. Fox News has seen a 30 percent drop in ratings for the Glenn Beck Show amid accusations that Fox News has become an outlet for the Republican Party rather than an independent and unbiased news source, says NewStaar Media.

But celebrity newscaster Glenn Beck hasn’t quit just yet. He and Fox News still are on good terms. According to the Business Insider, Beck told Bill O’Reilly on The O’Reilly Factor that Fox still was the only cable outlet from which to offer cable news. Nevertheless, Beck said that times are changing and hinted that media must change with it.

Glenn Beck told Bill O’Reilly during a recent celebrity interview:

“We have to reach different audiences, we have to reach younger.”

“So now what? Well, its not enough for me to say, as a citizen, ‘You know what? You go out and help people. You do it.’ Its time for me to do that as well.”

According to, Beck’s production company, Mercury Radio Arts, will continue to work with Fox News on a new partnership where Beck will assist with development and production of a variety of television show productions for Fox News as well as other digital media holdings. No details were given on what the partnership might look like for Glenn Beck or Fox News.

Cheeky monkeys at London Zoo stealing fashion accessories from tourists?

Strange News! Wildlife conservation experts at London Zoo discouraging monkey theft — not theft of monkeys but animals stealing fashion accessories from tourists? Some Bolivian squirrel monkeys at the London Zoo have been causing trouble for tourists and visitors there, according to the BBC. The thieving monkeys have been stealing sunglasses off the heads of zoo visitors as they tour the facilities. Zoo officials say the Bolivian squirrel monkeys like to look at their own reflections in the sunglasses and find them very entertaining, but the visitors are not so entertained by the monkey theft. Keep reading…