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Marijuana Laws: Supreme Court rule Police can enter if they smell pot?

Marijuana Laws!

Supreme Court rule Police can enter your home without a warrant if they smell pot?

[May 17]

Here’s a green news update, for better or for worse. The Supreme Court members have sided with Police that they can enter a home without a search warrant if they claims to smell pot. The problem is, how does one prove where law enforcement really smelled marijuana or not? It’s a civil rights disaster for those who value privacy along with their right to feel safe and protected in their home. Big Brother just took one more legalized step into American homes, and they want your pot.

The Supreme Court ruled against a Kentucky man named Hollis King on May 16th, 2011 when he tried to legally defend his right to keep a private home free from law enforcement intrusion. He was formally arrested after local police came charging into his apartment without a search warrant. Their probably cause? The officers say they entered the domicile because they smelled marijuana. The reason they cited for busting in the door was that they though he was trying to get rid of incriminating evidence.


Voting 8-1, the Supreme Court Justices reversed the state Supreme Court ruling that had originally thrown out all the physical evidence the intruding officers gathered when they entered Hollis King’s apartment.

Celebrity Scandal: Arnold and Maria split over child from affair?

Celebrity Scandal!

Arnold and Maria split over child from secret affair?

[May 17]

Hollywood actor turned politician Arnold Schwarzenegger has gone from Kindergarten Cop to Hollywood pop. When everyone in the world wondered what went wrong that caused green celebrity couple Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver to split, no one thought for one minute that the big green monster jealousy could be involved. Over what? Arnold having the attention of other women, and Maria Shriver turning green with envy over it all. Looking like a rock solid celebrity couple, Arnold and Maria were the Hollywood – Washingtonian power couple who (despite his foreign accents and birth off U.S. soil) were thought to be the most presidential of them all. But now? The real behind the scenes story is starting to come out — and Arnold Schwarzenegger is busy apologizing all over himself. Why? Because Maria Shriver found out the former California governor she had been married to for well over twenty years has a secret child. And that is not all — the paternity happened only ten short years ago. No wonder Maria Shriver spent all day May 16th at a spa having a full body massage, a manicure, a pedicure, and does not seem to be talking to Arnold Schwarzenegger much at all. Even though Arnold and Maria are being good parents to their own children, one has to wonder how Arnold kept the fact he fathered another child with his celebrity mistress a secret for so long? Worse news is that the child must feel like odd man out — with a jealous and vengeful Maria Shriver surely hating the baby’s mother for wrecking her dream home and perfect Kennedy family facade.

Washington Post and all the major news sites like CBS morning news picked up the entertainment news first posted by the LA Times and started the rumor mills going full bore.

Celebrity Fitness: Jean Claude Van Damme sued by Total Flex gym, why?

Celebrity Fitness!

Jean Claude Van Damme sued by Total Flex gym makers, why?

[May 17]

According to a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles, California, action movie hero Jean Claude Van Damme is rumored to have agreed to give his celebrity endorsement for a health and fitness product called the Total Flex gym. The contract seems to have been formalized back in February in Brussels… but according to the rumor mills, when the martial arts expert actor known for being all buzz and stud-muffin-ish thanks to his daily fitness routines showed up to the television set to film an infomercial, he had absolutely no idea how to use the workout equipment. From there, his day got weird. TMZ claims, “The infomercial producers claim Van Damme grew frustrated with his inability to operate the machine … even though JCVD’s wife figured it out right away.” So the tough guy fitness guru had to have a girl teach him how to work out on home gym equipment? Yep — and as that sort for rumor (if true) could easily predict, the machismo side of him did not role with that punch to spin a new angle in the infomercial. He simply pitched some sort of private hissy fit like a stereotypical hot male athlete celebrity superstar and revoked his agreement to publicly support the product he had been paid to tout.