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Celebrity Tattoos: Miley Cyrus mom Tish has much bigger tatts than teen?

Celebrity Tattoos!

Miley Cyrus mom Tish has much bigger tatts than teen?

[May 12]

How did we miss this celebrity mom factoid of ew? Miley Cyrus celebrity mom Tish has much bigger tattoos than the wayward teen currently boasts. For all the hooting and hollering we have done in the past over why the Cyrus family allowed their young teenage daughter to get tatts, we totally missed the point: Miley Cyrus is completely a product of her at home environment, not at the mercy of fame, child star stature, or Hollywood celebrity teen peer pressure. The Hannah Montana star from Disney has been heavily influenced when it comes to sporting bad tattoos by none other than Tish — the on again off again wife of Billy Ray Cyrus and her own celebrity mother.

TMZ reported that Miley Cyrus and her mom were spotted sunbathing on a beach in South America on May 12th, 2011. The accompanying paparazzi photo made one thing abundantly clear — that Tish Cyrus is one heavily tattooed mother!

So, making sure it really was a shot of angel wing back tattoos on Tish before we got our feathers ruffled, we did a little red carpet photo gallery sleuthing — and found a pic of Ryan Seacrest, Miley Cyrus and Tish Cyrus on the red carpet where Tish looked… ridiculous in an evening gown.

It seems that angel win full back tattoos, when spoiled by some sort of big lone star, age, and a sequined get up, are just not as dramatic a feature on a forty something as they might have been on some hot young twenty something who thought the wings would be trendy in the moment.

Celebrity Health: UFC fighter Brock Lesnar fighting Diverticulitis?

Celebrity Health!

UFC fighter Brock Lesnar in painful battle against debilitating medical condition Diverticulitis?

[May 12]

Here is some unexpected celebrity health news. UFC fighter Brock Lesnar suffers from a debilitating digestive disease called diverticulitis — which doctors and patients suffering with both report causes extreme stomach pain. Who knew that beating the odds to rise to the top of UFC would be less painful than the battle raging on in his own body? The valiant Brock released a quintessential celebrity athlete statement press statement saying, “I’m not retiring … I believe there’s a solution to every problem, I just gotta find the right solution … I love this sport.”

According to TMZ and other celebrity gossip sites, Brock Lesnar insists his current bout with his debilitating medical symptoms aren’t as serious as last time, “but he couldn’t train for his fight against Junior dos Santos at UFC 131 on June 11. Lesnar was hospitalized back in 2009 due to his medical condition — and had to reschedule his fight against Shane Carwin. Lesnar whooped Carwin’s ass when they fought a few months later. Lesnar is currently being treated at the famous Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.”

Celebrity Scandal: Lady Gaga shoes bleeped by American Idol OOPS or not?

Celebrity Scandal!

Lady Gaga stiletto pumps you will not see on American Idol a celebrity OOPS moment or publicity stunt?

[May 12]

Bleeped by American Idol for making an OOPS fashion statement! Only Lady Gaga could turn reality television mentoring attire into a Hollywood celebrity scandal in such glam fashion. Prudes they might be, but the producers of American Idol will not be showing off Lady Gaga’s shoes that she wore for her mentoring special guest appearance on American Idol on May 11th, 2011. TMZ reported the following bleeped out censored fashion forward details about the stiletto heels Lady Gaga wore to meet the contestants for tutoring. Talk about your hot for teacher moments in pop music! But the coolest part about Lady Gaga’s shoes is not what they represented but how much free press she will undoubtedly be able to generate for herself thanks to wearing them.

Talk about your fame monster!