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stop romanticizing the people that hurt you

Dark Green News: Freddy Krueger Governor killed high speed rail in FL?

A fiscal and environmental nightmare is happening in Florida. Since Florida Governor Rick Scott canceled plans for eco-friendly high speed rail service from Tampa to Orlando, the federal government has given the $2 billion dollars originally set aside for Florida to a number of other states to use to implement or improve their local environment by providing high speed rail service between major metropolitan areas, according to the Huffington Post. Governor Scott had rejected the plan for Florida, claiming concerns that it would obligate t

Twilight Trivia: Breaking Dawn movie stills show wedding ring on Bella?

Twilight Trivia!

Breaking Dawn movie stills show wedding ring on Bella Swan?

[May 9]

Robert Pattinson has put a ring on it. Or at least vampire character Edward Cullen has put a ring on Bella Swan in the highly romantic and highly anticipated followup in the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn. Kristen Stewart was spotted on the set of Breaking Dawn in Vancouver wearing the wedding ring, according to Hollywood Life, and it leaves a lot of people wondering just how hot and heavy things are getting between K.Stew and finally publicly outed boyfriend Robert Pattinson (as if anyone really ever thought they weren’t a couple).

Additionally, there are some movie stills that appear to show a different ring on Bella Swan, as she puts her hand on Edward’s chest in the upcoming film. That one looks like an engagement ring. Definitely appears to be a rock gracing that left hand of hers. In the film, Bella and Edward take off to Rio de Janeiro to consummate their marriage, according to Socialite Life. Edward finally agrees to transform Bella, who nearly dies trying to give birth to the vampire baby, according to, and the birth of the child starts a “perilous chain of events that pits the Cullens and their allies against the Volturi, the fearsome council of vampire leaders, setting the stage for an all-out battle.”

But back to the rings! Fans are hoping Kristen Stewart is getting used to wearing that ring Robert Pattinson puts on her in Breaking Dawn, even though there are young women the world over swooning still over Pattinson. But R.Patz seems ready to move it up to the next level if his comments are any indication — eventually.

Election 2012: Trump says Celebrity Apprentice proof he is not racist?

Election 2012!

Donald Trump says Celebrity Apprentice (the reality television show) gives solid proof he is not a racist?

[May 9]

If it’s not a Birther scandal where the awkward green celebrity host of Celebrity Apprentice is accusing the president of the United States of being a Muslim from Kenya, it’s a racism scandal for real estate mogul Donald Trump. Recently people have been criticizing Trump for his attacks on President Barack Obama, and since the release of Obama’s long form birth certificate, Trump has continued to be outspoken in his opposition against the president. Trump appeared on Fox and Friends on FOX News, Monday morning, May 9, 2011, to defend himself.

The billionaire and star celeb Donald Trump pointed to his show, Celebrity Apprentice, as proof that he’s not racist.

The Huffington Post reports Trump as saying:

“I am the least racist person there is,” asserted the potential presidential contender. “And I think most people who know me would tell you that. I am the least racist, I’ve had great relationships.”

A lot of people have come under fire recently for supposedly racist remarks attacking President Obama, but Trump with his high profile has gotten caught up in the whirlwind more than others. The least racist person. The least racist person on the planet? The least racist person considering a bid for the presidency? The least racist person on Celebrity Apprentice? We’re not sure, but he’s the least racist.