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Sex scenes in new Twilight movie Breaking Dawn not as wild as vampire baby birth?

Twilight Breaking Dawn Movie Rumors!

Sex scenes in new Twilight movie Breaking Dawn not as wild as new baby birth?

[May 3]

Twihards, brace yourselves. Breaking Dawn, the latest in the Twilight franchise, is ramped to be the most gory and visceral film yet in the series. While we’ve heard that the sex scenes filmed for Breaking Dawn are going to be, shall we say, titillating, Kristin Stewart and Robert Pattinson have confirmed that the birth scenes may have an even bigger impact on the audience.

Director Bill Condon told Entertainment Weekly:

“We shot everything — whether it’s the lovemaking or the childbirth — as potent and powerful as it can be. It will be interesting to see whether there will be people who think it too disturbing for this universe.”

And Kristin Stewart wishes it were even more gory. Regarding the PG-13 issue, the Huffington Post quotes Stewart as saying:

“It’s funny because when [the PG-13 issue] comes up, everybody thinks it’s all about the sex. The birth is really effective, and I’ve heard it really hits you in the face. But what it could have been? It could have been shocking and grotesque, because that’s how it was written in the book. I would have loved to have been puking up blood.”

But in spite of the darkness and gore that will be a hallmark of Breaking Dawn Parts One and Two (the first to hit theaters November 18, and the second to arrive about a year later), Kristin Stewart also says the wedding scene is very powerful. “And it was just so perfect for me in that moment. It was so emotional in such a real way,” she told Entertainment Weekly. In a real way, hm? Maybe she is fantasizing about the real thing with Robert Pattinson and not just the Bella and Edward mock wedding.

Justin Bieber: Less than eggs-tatic fans egg star in Sydney, Australia?

Justin Bieber Trivia!

Less than eggs-tatic fans egg star in Sydney, Australia?

[May 3]

Justin Bieber is in Australia for his My World tour, and it seems at least someone in the audience last week didn’t much care for the teen heartthrob’s performance. The Biebs got egged while on stage in Sydney. Presumably the attack came from a non Belieber, although the Daily Mail, which has posted a Sky News Australia video of the attack by way of YouTube, noted that four of the six eggs lobbed at the star celeb appeared to come from directly above him, prompting some to suggest that the attack could have been staged.

Either way, Justin Bieber managed to finish up the song, taking a few steps back as he let a stage crew clean up the mess.

However, the attack has prompted many fans on Twitter and other social media sites to condemn the attacker, one going as far as to wite, “Dear person who threw eggs at @justinbieber in Sydney, you now have over #9millionbeliebers after you, be afraid! We go harder than hard!”

The egg attack isn’t exactly eggs-traordinary, though. Back in August 2010, video of a December 2009 show surfaced, in which Justin Bieber was smacked in the head with a water bottle, according to TMZ. But the star celeb just kept going as if nothing had happened. Likewise with the egg attack, though the Biebs may not be eager to return to Sydney anytime soon.

It’s unlikely that the Biebs is planning these attacks on himself, so it leaves one to question why anyone would go as far as paying to attend a concert just to throw eggs. Jealous boyfriends of girls smitten with the star celeb?

Kardashian Sisters: Does Kris Jenner make Khloe Kardashian miserable?

Kardashian Sisters!

Does Kris Jenner make Khloe Kardashian miserable?

[May 3]

Reality star celeb Khloe Kardashian has spent some time branding herself as the fat Kardashian sister. The younger sister of Kim Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian has been up and down and back up again. Recently she broke down and cried, saying that she was tired of pretending to be happy about her weight. But now, again, she says she’s comfortable. Of course, she also says she can fit into a size 0, down from a size 12, according to Maressa Brown of The Stir, a CafeMom blog.

But what is this all about, really? Maressa notes that “momager” Kris Jenner and the brother of Khloe Kardashian both have referenced the sister’s weight issues, berating her over eating a cookie and calling her “big.” They are pushing Khloe to low self-esteem, which causes depression and which is one of the quickest ways to put on the pounds.

Khloe spoke to Us Weekly and had this to say:

“They are 5-foot and 5-foot-2, so I look massive next to them,” Khloe, who is 5-foot-10, tells Us. “Everyone expects me to be 9 feet tall and weigh 200 pounds [when they meet me].”

In truth, though, it seems she’s more concerned with her overall size than she is with her weight in particular. And that is something she’ll just have to get used to. Further into the interview, star celeb Khloe Kardashian explains how she and her brother Rob had weight issues growing up. She recalls her poor diet and says that she really started putting on more pounds when her mother and “momager,” Kris Jenner, and her father, Robert Kardashian, Sr., divorced. Not an unusual reaction in a time of family stress.