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Royal Wedding Trivia: Celebrity look alikes T-Mobile dance video funny?

Royal Wedding Trivia! Count on YouTube to make history funny. Jill and Kevin’s Wedding Entrance Dance video, a YouTube classic that went viral back in 2009, has had over 64 million hits in recent time. Why? Because the funny video inspired cellular phone carrier T-Mobile to make their own ROYAL WEDDING ENTRANCE DANCE VIDEO PARODY as an advertising gimmick, and of course it too has gone viral. Keep reading…

The Royal Wedding Entrance Dance viral video has skyrocketed in popularity since it was introduced last week. O

Celebrity Stalkers: Why Paris Hilton stalker thinks they are engaged

Celebrity Stalkers!

Paris Hilton scary stalker thinks they are engaged, seriously?

[May. 2]

There’s no dearth of crazy when it comes to the events surrounding socialite Paris Hilton. As she was being escorted into a Superior Court building in Los Angeles by boyfriend Cy Waits to testify against one stalker last week, a man in the crowd was caught on camera grabbing Waits by the back of the neck and pushing him forward. Yep, she has a second celebrity stalker and that guy truly believes they are really engaged.

Some sites are suggesting this week in review that the man’s attack on Waits [the hit was a smack or a shove] was what the celebrity stalker thought was simply him defending his fiancee.

The YouTube video shows a little different story. His assault was a hostile attack on a stranger… and Paris Hilton had no idea who he was or that they were allegedly having a relationship.

To that end, for the protection of the celebrity beauty, the man quickly was detained.

But it turns out the man has a history of communicating with Paris Hilton — one she forgot about as simply silly stuff.

Paris Hilton wrote on Twitter following the attack, “OMG! I just realized that the attacker from this video > is same nut who proposed at >”

Looks like she has a sure-enough stalker on her hands. The proposal took place at a Macy’s event that Paris attended, appearing for photographs with fans, TMZ noted.

President Obama on Oprah to refute Donald Trump, hides bin Laden intel?

Elections 2012!

President Obama and First Lady appear on Oprah to discount Trump week before verifying Osama Bin Laden is dead?

[May 1]

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama appeared on Oprah just hours after the White House released the long form birth certificate last week, demonstrating that President Obama was indeed born in Hawaii — and not Kenya as both Donald Trump, his own wife, and grandmother had claimed. Some continue to criticize the president, saying that he should have released the birth certificate earlier. But most now have begun pulling their punches about the place of birth at least, and are expected to do so with increasing respectfulness now that Obama has released the information requested by Donald Trump and the Tea Party and he made a formal announcement that Osama Bin Laden is dead.

The president, somewhat jokingly, said that he knew he was born in Hawaii, because he was there and he remembered it. First Lady Michelle Obama cut in: “He was born here,” she exclaimed with a laugh, to a cheering audience. This was said in spite of evidence where long before the candidacy, Michelle Obama had proudly claimed in a public speech cause on video tape that her husband Barack Obama was in fact born in Kenya. And yes — the whole issue, whether you like President Obama or not — is disconcerting to say the least.