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Going Green: Chevrolet Volt named 2011 World Green Car at NY Auto Show

Going Green!

Star celebs fav green car Chevrolet Volt named 2011 World Green Car at NY Auto Show —

[Apr. 21]

Late night talk show hosts Jay Leno and David Letterman ought to be happy. The 2011 Chevrolet Volt was named 2011 World Green Car of the Year at the New York Auto International Auto Show this week, and both star celebs have been endorsing going green automobiles. The celebrities have actually come forward to give their celebrity endorsement to green transportation on both of their respective television shows, helping promote the idea that clean and green transportation is the way to go.

Further, both star celebs have shown support for American auto products including the Ford Fusion and the new Chevy Volt. While Ford has remained financially independent, Chevy took bail out money from the U.S. government. There has been some private sector criticism that any awards given to the Chevy Volt are at the behest of President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and House Democrats. However, the people at Chevy who participated in the design, production implementation, and marketing of the new green car say that playing politics to win favors in the United States just ain’t so.

“The selection of the Volt as the World Green Car is a further proof point of the fuel-efficient technologies that are now being offered by the Chevrolet brand around the world,” said Rick Scheidt, vice president of Chevrolet marketing. “This award, and the others that have preceded it, validate the efforts of the development team to build a truly remarkable vehicle with the potential to transform transportation around the globe.”

The Chevrolet Volt was chosen from an initial entry list of 12 new vehicles from around the world, then a shorter list of 10, then three finalists: the Chevrolet Volt, the BMW 320d Efficient Dynamics Edition and the Nissan Leaf. The award is decided by a panel of global automotive journalists.

How To Go Green: Simple ways to make your home more eco-friendly exist?

How To Go Green!

Simple ways to make your home more eco-friendly —

[Apr. 21]
Making your house into an eco-friendly home doesn’t have to be top dollar expensive or ridiculously time consuming. You don’t have to be a celebrity like Leonardo DiCaprio or Ed Begley Jr. to do it, either. One smart energy company has actually just released a list of eco friendly HOW TO GO GREEN lifestyle tips related to helping consumers save money on electricity while doing the right thing for the environment.

According to MXenergy, going green is something you do by making one small change at a time. As one of the nation’s leading independent energy providers, the organization’s staff are big proponents of the sustainability movement, saving the planet by improving the world one eco friendly house at a time.

As part of the company’s Earth Week celebration, MXenergy offered clients and people searching for information on ways to go green at home a simple, easy list of go green tips. The best part? Any homeowner or renter can use their bright green ideas to reduce their home’s carbon footprint and increase their energy efficiency.

“I think it is important for people to realize that small changes really do have an impact,” says Marjorie Kass, MXenergy Managing Director. “Sometimes people have the perception that ‘going green’ is going to cost them a lot of money. The truth is there are simple, inexpensive choices we all can make that really do make a difference.”

We concur.

Celebrity Scandal: Newspaper hacks star celebs phones to get dirt?

Celebrity Scandal!

Newspaper hacks star celebs phones to get dirt?

[Apr. 21]

We are not talking about Beyonce Knowles and Lada Gaga telephone video celebrity scandal. A scandal that has been brewing for years with Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World tabloid is coming to a head. A judge has ruled that four test cases, among them pet friendly actress Sienna Miller, star of Factory Girl (2006) and The Edge of Love (2008), may move ahead with a lawsuit against News of the World for a phone-hacking scheme that violated the rights of a number of celebrities, sports stars, and royal family.

The word broke out in 2005 and 2006 that the tabloid had been involved in various means of intercepting voicemail communication and other private communications through phone-hacking. The News of the World had previously claimed no knowledge of the phone-hacking scheme, saying it was the work of just a couple of rogue employees, but investigation lately has demonstrated that the practice was far more widespread than initially thought.

The attorney for News Group, which owns News of the World, has argued that the case should not be allowed to continue because the paper has offered to settle for more than what complainants are likely to get awarded in court should they win. Regarding Sienna Miller, the attorney, Michael Silverleaf told the judge, “She cannot realistically recover more than we are offering.”

Sienna Miller has 21 days to decide if she will take the settlement, but it could mean allowing the newspaper to escape investigation into what could be many more cases. The paper has identified only eight complainants with whom it is offering to settle.

KIVI-TV reports:

Miller’s lawyer, Hugh Tomlinson, said money was not the primary motivation for many of the claimants.

“Damages are an aspect, but when private information is involved, the kind of relief people are looking for goes beyond simply monetary compensation,” he said.

Already Andy Coulson has had to step down as head of communications for Prime Minister David Cameron as a result of the scandal. Coulson was editor for News of the World while the phone-hacking scheme was ongoing, according to Yahoo! News. And two senior men with News of the World have been held on charges, according to Reuters.