Showing 752 Result(s)

Purple Squirrel from Jersey Shore new green celebrity (of sorts)

A purple squirrel has become a green celebrity of sorts, complete with a Twitter account and everything. Animal rights activists and scientists are baffled at why the little creature is a hue of lavender. An environmental anomaly has been discovered in Jersey Shore, PA, according to Fox News. And, no, it’s not the reality television series Jersey Shore. The anomaly is a purple squirrel, and Snooki, squirrely as she can be is (the last we knew) more orange than purple. The purple squirrel, discovered and trapped by Percy and Connie Emert in their yard has been confounding scientists. Keep reading…

Taylor Lautner not considered celebrity teen anymore? (Twilight Trivia)

Country music singer Taylor Swift was interested romantically in actor Taylor Lautner in the past — that is until the two spent some time together away from Hollywood. Now they are just friends and gossip reports say that the hot young singer who preformed so well at the 2012 Grammys just did not have any chemistry with him. Had the two star celebs officially hooked up, there is no doubt she would have been able to avoid that whole unpleasant business with actor Jake Gyllenhaal that put her in tears over the 2010 Christmas holidays. But, looking on the bright side of things, she managed to make a friend! Keep reading…

Scarlett Johansson’s bikini beach photos show visible cellulite? OOPS!

Scarlett Johansson is famous for being the ex-wife of actor Ryan Reynolds — the guy once voted Peoples sexiest man of the year. He was allegedly fooling around with Green Lantern co-star Blake Lively. The X-Men: Wolverine hottie America fell in love with in Van Wilder thought no one would notice but everyone did. Reynolds (who is famous for his fit abs) has been dating the Gossip Girl star ever since their legal break-up. Scar Jo went out with Sean Penn for a while but they split. Now, she’s beach-going with someone new. Here’s more about her celebrity OOPS moment in her blue bikini that has to do with diet and fitness. Keep reading…