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Twilight Valentines: Free Twilight Valentine’s Day Cards and Holiday Gifts

Holiday News!

Where to get free Twilight greeting cards and buy Twilight theme gifts for Valentines —

[Jan. 25]

Twi-hards seeking FREE Twilight Valentines and even cool Twilight merchandise gifts with a St. Valentines Day theme, we’ve got the big link list for you! If you are Team Jacob, Team Edward, or simply cheering to watch Kristen Stewart be turned into a vampire and you want to share the love with your own holiday true love or school classmates, these lists can help you or your parents find our where to buy Twilight valentines and Valentine’s Day cards and greeting cards. Even better are the cards from fan sites you can print out at home on your own color printer or send to friends and classmates at school by email for FREE or low to no cost.

Green Light on Bill Clinton: Liberal ex-president turns Vegan?

Just last week, the Baby Boomer ex-president Bill Clinton was spotted by the Paparazzi hanging out with another green celebrity — the lovely Miss Cameron Diaz. He’s also been know to hang out with star celebs like Brad Pitt and even George Clooney. However, this celebrity sighting happened in Miami when Bill Clinton was spotted playing third wheel on a date with Cameron Diaz and baseball player boyfriend Alex Rodriguez. He was there hanging out with the Hollywood elite because he’s got a cameo role in the new movie Hangover 2. Keep reading…

Hollywood Celebrity Look Alike: Actor John Travolta looks likeā€¦ you just have to see!

Actor John Travolta really does look like pop music singer Ke$ha.

Actor John Travolta who got famous playing the smooth talking womanizing character Vinnie Barbarino on the hit 1970s television series Welcome Back Kotter with Gabe Kaplan really does look like pop music singer Ke$ha.

Who is Kesha? She’s that blue lipstick wearing broad charming young lady who was hanging out with television host Ryan Seacrest for New Year’s Rockin’ Eve. She was the last celebrity of the year to speak before the ball dropped over a festive and partying NYC. What was her New Years Resolution? Not to be a Douchebag. Honest to God, that’s what she said. Cheers to that, Kesha…

Scientologist John Travolta could not be reached for comment.