Jennifer Aniston Smart Water viral video not promoting a green product?
Celebrity Endorsements!
Jennifer Aniston Smart Water video goes viral — too bad product was not green…
[Mar. 11]
Jennifer Aniston has starred in a new ad campaign for Smart Water. The ad hit the internet and quickly became another viral video. So what does Smart Water from Glacéau do? You guessed it. They decided to throw in as many references as they could to viral videos that worked. As a result, they managed to create a Smart Water viral video of their own. But Jennifer Aniston makes it funny, really, mocking other viral videos and the fanaticism that has followed them.
Advertisers are taking a page from the viral video playbook, and it makes sense. If a viral video on YouTube or some other site can generate hundreds of thousands of hits in days (and users have to search for these viral videos), advertisers are itching to figure out what makes viral videos tick. If there is any sort of formula to it, advertisers easily could make millions (or billions) in a matter of weeks by putting up the right green celebrity like Jennifer Aniston in a viral video ad for a captive audience already glued to the television.
Even though Jennifer Aniston is a green celebrity, bottled water like Smart Water isn’t all green. Environmentalists note the impact that bottled water has on the environment.