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Arnold Schwarzenegger Education: What really happened to the Governator?

Arnold Schwarzenegger Education!

What really happened to the Governator in the celebrity scandal that is ending his marriage?

[May 26]

Arnold Schwarzenegger education never taught him how to be a god husband to wife Maria Shriver, it seems. On May 25, 2010 news broke in Hollywood social circles and leaked on Twitter than the former governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger had paid for a breast enhancement on his mistress. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver split when Maria learned the news he had fathered a child with their housekeeper of 20 years Mildred Baena, the plastic surgery enhanced mother of five children — which at least one the general public now knows was fathered by the politician. The Governator and had been keeping their love child (now 13 year old boy who is the spitting image of him) a secret. Rumor mills and internet gossip sites say hiding the child from his soon to be ex-wife, the celebrity couple’s own four children, and the press may have been his best acting job since he filmed the movie TRUE LIES with Tom Arnold and Janie Lee Curtis (daughter of recently deceased celebrity Tony Curtis). There is no indication green celebrity Republican Arnold and Maria (his Democrat Kennedy family wife) will be getting back together from the sounds of it in rumor mills and celebrity gossip internet rumor reports. Maria Shriver is devastated. But what really caused the Governator to stray — and to ruin his credibility as an eco-friendly humanitarian political leader in the state of California who had almost managed to escape from LA? Looking back on the pop culture entertainment news reports, how did the celebrity OOPS scandal develop? What happened to the Governator and his bragging about being a family man, green celebrity, and having good character — then admitting he fathered a child out of wedlock with his wife’s housekeeper while his own wife was pregnant? It looks like life on the Hollywood red carpet may have broken the green celebrity’s soul.

DWTS 2011: Chelsea Kane fans tweet Team Kanenball support after loss?

DWTS 2011!

Chelsea Kane fans tweet Team Kanenball support after loss?

[May 25]

Amazingly Disney princess Chelsea Kane did not win this season of Dancing with the Stars. Despite being front-runners for most of the season, Kane and her partner Mark Ballas were unable to get to the mirror ball, but fans surprisingly are not outraged. Fans of Team Kanenball have come together in droves to make sure that Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas will be trending all week on social media sites like Twitter. One Twitter user remarked, I love that Chelsea and Mark are still trending worldwide and Mark is still get birthday tweets.” And fans worldwide have sounded the call to keep the WORLD aware of Chelsea Kane. Even though Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas had received some criticisms, and despite a fall on the dancer floor when Mark Ballas’ hip gave out, the couple continued to hold strong, even when down in the rankings a couple of times against competition like Ralph Macchio, Hines Ward, and Kirstie Alley. They long had been rumored to be a favorite, especially following their stunning Harry Potter Waltz to the theme music from the film. They really impressed the judges and audience alike, and the waltz quickly became a fan favorite.

The Dark Knight Rises: New Batman movie features all-star cast

The Dark Knight Rises is a new Batman movie. Director Christopher Nolan is not disappointing fans — he has hired an all-star cast. Brett Cullen is one new name allegedly added to the list. The Apollo 13 star was seen last year participating in a celebrity golf tournament in Casa Dorada in Los Cabos, Mexico, to help raise funds for the Casa Hogar Orphanage. And he was spotted in 2007 at the annual Dennis Quaid charity weekend. Hopefully, he will shape up to be as much of a green celebrity (or more) than co-star Anne Hathaway. She’s playing the new Catwoman opposite Christian Bale (who plays Batman). Keep reading…