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Celebrity Couples: Jennifer Aniston denies romance with Justin Theroux?

Celebrity Couples!

Jennifer Aniston denies romance with Justin Theroux?

[May 23]

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux the new celebrity couple in Hollywood? Her reps say, “No.”

Aniston, the former television star from Friends and B movie star invited to all the A List parties has reportedly been getting closer romantically to the ‘Your Highness’ actor Jason Theroux “for a while” says Bang Showbiz, “and although they are not ready to announced their relationship to the world, they are both determined to make it work.”

According to the rumor mill website,

A source told X17 Online: “These two are jumping into this head-first. They’re together all the time. But they sneak around and do everything they can not to be photographed together. Jen doesn’t like her relationships to go public before she’s ready.”

Jennifer Aniston has dated nearly all the hot and available single men in Hollywood since her very painful and public divorce from actor Brad Pitt. Back in the day, he wanted to start a family, but Jen was not having any part of it. Instead, she wanted to preserve her 10 year old boy backside and slim, trim figure. So, he ran off and had 6 kids in about 4 minutes with actress Angelina Jolie instead.

The lastest celebrity gossip about ex-wife Jennifer Aniston had her paired up with Hangover 2 star Bradley Cooper — but not any more. This week, she’s adding yet another notch to the proverbial Jennifer Aniston – Brad Pitt bedpost with this new WHO IS HE? guy Justin Theroux.

Dancing With The Stars: Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas finals Samba sizzling hot?

Dancing With The Stars!

Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas Samba sizzling hot?

[May 23]

Shoulda had a speed limit…” was the assessment of the sizzling hot Samba by Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas said Tom Bercheron. As the first dance number to kick off finals week on DWTS 2011, the competition bar standard was set high and the performers did not disappoint. Watch the video link of the May 23rd performance and you will surely agree that fast and hot was right. Judge Carrie Ann Inaba gave Chelsea Kane a private dance lesson about how to be feminine and sexy. Fortunately, it did not include pole dancing or lap dancing or the Disney Princess act simply would not have been as scintillating right.

Scores for the first dance of the final round of DWTS 2011 were nearly perfect. Carrie Ann gave the celebrity couple a 10, Len gave his typical buzz kill score of 9, and lively Bruno proudly posted a 10.

Disney star Lindsay Lohan darkest secrets leaked to press by crappy Dad?

Bad Celebrity Parents!

Disney star Lindsay Lohan biggest secrets leaked to press by Dad?

[May 23]

Father’s Day in 2011 is on Sunday, the 19th of June, and suffice it to say Hollywood social circles and rumor mills are already circulating the news that Michael Lohan, father of Disney princess Lindsay Lohan, will NOT be up for father of the year award. Michael Lohan has spent the better part of his Disney Princess’ life making profits at her expense, and Lohan recently revealed he encouraged the star celeb to make nice with her accuser at the Betty Ford clinic to sell photographs to celebrity gossip sites of the two together in exchange for avoiding prosecution. But it is not just the cash happy pap that is raking in the dough by exploiting a family member’s star power. Celebrity gossip sites like TMZ and RadarOnline make up an annual 3 billion dollar business, reports the Beverly Hills Courier, and many of those story leads and deepest, darkest secrets have been leaked to press by mom, dad, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin grandma, grandpa, best friends, neighbors, staff, and casual acquaintances star celebs like young Lindsay Lohan think are close personal friends.

Among the topics of star celeb gossip, celebrity rehab is a prime target. With Michael Lohan set to appear on the next season of the reality television show Celebrity Rehab, celebrity gossip sites are chomping at the bit, itching for an opportunity to get celebrity pics, insider celebrity dirt, and more.

With a Disney princess like star celeb Lindsay Lohan in trouble for drugs and alcohol, the insider gossip becomes that much more appealing to star celeb gossip sites that profit from information that people want to know. People like Michael Lohan, even more inside than the insiders, have determined to capitalize on the drama that is celebrity lifestyle.