Showing 749 Result(s)

Ashton Kutcher not tweeting condolences to Joe Paterno about lung cancer, why?

Penn State legendary coach Joe Paterno was forced to resign over a sex scandal prior to news being released his health might be critical. Ashton Kutcher defending him by tweet for his part in covering up a sex scandal on campus was allegedly the final straw for actress Demi Moore. She is filing for divorce from the Two And A Half Men star while Joe Pa is heading into lung cancer treatment. How are these two celebrity scandals connected? By an @aplusk tweet by the Two And A Half Men star, of course. Keep reading…

Wikipedia founder asking for donations to stay non-profit?

Log on to Wikipedia these days and you might see something odd across the top of the page that looks like a banner ad. It is a message from the founder of the website service asking people to give a donation to fund the project each year if they can. As the founder (a man named Jimmy Wales) says, “When I founded Wikipedia, I could have made it into a for-profit company with advertising banners, but I decided to do something different. We’ve worked hard over the years to keep it lean and tight. We fulfill our mission, and leave waste to others.” Wondering how to help or donate? Keep reading…

William Shatner talks turkey in Thanksgiving public safety announcement

God bless William Shatner for always being so full of himself, such an odd bird, and funny. The famous Star Trek actor who actually auctioned off his kidney stones to raise money for charity just came out with a public service announcement heading into the holiday season about… guess what? The art of deep frying turkeys without hurting yourself, burning your house down, or ruining what could otherwise be a delicious holiday meal. Ellen Degeneres is also at it again this year, asking people to adopt turkeys rather than eat them. Want to read more fun Thanksgiving holiday news about green celebs? Keep reading…