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President Obama uncle arrested for DUI, then detained as illegal alien?

Barack Obama is facing a press nightmare thanks to a family member who has been arrested. A celebrity mugshot of his uncle has emerged as the elder relative of the United States president was popped for DUI. Making the scandal more distressing for the Democrat to deal with is the fact that now his relative is being detained as an illegal immigrant. It seems the man is from Kenya (where many Republicans still claim Obama was born) and he has been living here in the US as an illegal immigrant — presumably with the President’s blessing. When asked who he would like to call when under arrest, he answered, “The White House.” Keep reading…

Hurricane Irene path shows climate change in action (new updates)

Potential for major flooding from Category 2 Hurricane with very low pressure. Winds of sustained tropical storm force were about to come ashore along the coast of North Carolina at the noon hour of August 26th. The Jersey Shore area is expected to take the brunt of the hit, with weather forecasters saying that many people will have never seen a storm surge or winds and rain of this magnitude of this kind in their lifetime. It’s a grand old time on the East Coast of the United States in what some are saying is a side effect of environmental pollution and climate change as Mother Nature seeks to purge herself. Hurricane Irene path update…

Jamie Lee Curtis to guest star on NCIS with Mark Harmon

Actress Jamie Lee Curtis will take on a guest star role on NCIS to help promote the television show during the 2011 Fall Sweeps week. Whether co-starring with Mark Harmon now on television, in old movies like A Fish Called Wanda with actor Kevin Kline, in True Lies with (sadly) disgraced green celebrity actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, or in funny movies like Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd viewers are sure to enjoy any character she plays (from serious to adventurous to hilarious). Who is she and why is she famous as a role model for women? Keep reading…