Showing 749 Result(s)

Humanitarian celebrities: Who is Eva Green and why is she famous?

Who is actress Eva Green? Famous for her Bond girl role in 007 film Casino Royale, her name is surfacing in the latest news and celebrity gossip about humanitarians. She and actresses Sarah Jessica Parker, Rachel Weisz, and Sienna Miller are donating their shoes to the Small Steps Foundation. The non-profit organization is dedicated to helping children in impoverished countries get new shoes and personal hygeine kits. Want to know more about who she is and why she is famous in green celebs social circles? Keep reading…

Awesome book carving artist recycling old books into eco-friendly art

Carved books are a clever way to recycle old literature. If the thought of getting rid of a book breaks your heart, why not consider turning it into a sculpture? In a review of the carved book designs by Etsy artist Julia Strand, the green news website featured incredible photographs of old books that have been transformed from ordinary to extraordinary. Want to know more about her green trick recycling? Keep reading…

The Bachelor 2012: Ben F confirmation shaky, Ames or Ryan better choice?

So, seriously ABC — please tell us whether or not you have officially cast boring Ben the Bohemian to be the next Bachelor or now. Why? Because fans of Ryan P and Ames are out here in the wings, waiting. We’ll talk watching a well-groomed and well-educated Princeton man or the owner of the largest solar power company in the United States woo 30 ladies any day over the winemaker. US Weekly is reporting you already cast him… please say it ain’t so, reality TV! Why are confirmation reports shaky, making viewers keep pressing not to cast him? Keep reading…