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Celebrity Scandal: Jennifer Lopez cheating with Brad Pitt lookalike?

Jennifer Lopez has been accused of sleeping with a Brad Pitt celebrity lookalike and the rumors are not dying down. Actually, the small talk going on in beauty salons across the country has even left a few people thinking that JLo and Brad Pitt himself are really fooling around. This article shares news about Jennifer Lopez and Mark Anthony divorcing as well as explains who the Brad Pitt lookalike actually is — as well as why Jenny from the block might have kicked him to the curb before the two went public with their love affair. Want to know more? Keep reading…

RIP Amy Winehouse: What really killed the 27-year-old singer?

Celebrity Death issues related to drugs and alcohol are always hard to write about. Comparing Amy Winehouse to singer Janis Joplin is an easy call, as the women both knew how to belt out a tune and never turned down a “Last Call”. She has also been likened to other dead male celebs like Jim Morrison from The Doors as well as guitar legends Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughn.

But sources have not yet confirmed whether overdose was involved. So what really killed Amy Winehouse? While medical reports are not yet in (with the body only recently discovered) and toxicology labs will undoubtedly turn up a host of legal drugs and illegal elements, fans say her lifestyle did her in.

“British police say singer Amy Winehouse has been found dead at her home in London on Saturday, July 23, 2011…” shares the Washington Post. But what killed her? Keep reading…

Bieber Fever: Rihanna crush on Justin Bieber causes trouble with Selena?

Rihanna is one of the cougar star celebs who apparently has a crush on teen celebrity Justin Bieber. Tricking the press with a phony photo of the two kissing, she one-upped celeb singer Katy Perry. Perry recently posed for a photo with a giant picture of the Biebs to show her affection for the young star. While her pose was more innocent in motive, Rihanna made her cougar crush evident by planting a big fat sexy kiss right on the lips of a life-size and realistic looking cardboard cut-out of the green celebrity.

Based on the Rolling Stone Magazine cover, the free-standing cardboard poster of Justin Bieber was the only part of him getting action from the fashion diva. So far, that is… as Biebs open flirtation back via Twitter with the pop music singer has already caused quite a stir with the young man’s fan base. Why? Because he is supposed to be in a serious and committed relationship with Disney Princess Selena Gomez!

So what did Justin Bieber tweet to friend Rihanna? Keep reading…