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Did Megan Fox fake wrinkle photos to dispute plastic surgery rumors?

Megan Fox denies having had plastic surgery. She posted pictures of her wrinkles on her facebook account for the world to see. What are plastic surgeons and doctors who have seen the Megan Fox photos saying about her natural good looks? Apparently they all think her claims are a bunch of hooey. Want to know more about the celebrity scandal? Keep reading…

Celebrity Couples: Leonardo DiCaprio dating Green Lantern Gossip Girl?

There is a new green celebrity couple in tinsel town — actor Leonardo DiCaprio is dating actress Blake Lively. While he is known for being one of the most active green celebrities in Hollywood, she’s gotten famous playing the love interest of eco-friendly actor Ryan Reynolds in the new Summer blockbuster film the Green Lantern. What does the famous pair have in common? Keep reading…

Celebrity Fitness: Actress Anne Hathaway hotter Catwoman than Halle Berry?

Anne Hathaway is one smoking hot celebrity and fans of the former Disney princess are chomping at the bit to see her starring in The Dark Knight Rises (which hits theaters July 20, 2012). The vegetarian actress who charmed us in Ella Enchanted and The Princess Diaries made us all a bit wiser watching The Devil Wears Prada and laugh when she hosted the 2011 Oscars. Next up, we expect this scintillating Scorpio goddess will make women purr and men bark as she takes on the role of Catwoman — previously knocked out of the park by gentile actress Michelle Pfeiffer and revisited by hip urban celeb Halle Berry. The big talk in Hollywood about her new adaptation? That Anne Hathaway is planning to go old school with her act, and will be dressed in a Catwoman costume that looks very much like the outfit worn by the original comic book character. Can her fit physique and Scorpio zodiac sign inspired fetish for all things dark and occult-like help her create a unique look for the character — one that might be thin but still substantive? Keep reading…