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DWTS: Mark Ballas and Chelsea Kane magical Harry Potter Waltz enchanted?

To heck with the judges scores, thought professional dancer and choreographer Mark Ballas when he created an enchanted waltz theme for celebrity contestant Chelsea Kane. Gorgeous. Beautiful. What more can a person say about this perfect Waltz, featured on Dancing With The Stars and later as a video review by PopCrunch, with a twist of modernity lent by the theme from Harry Potter? Len can say whatever he wants about the routine wrecking 300 years of traditional waltz interpretation, but Bruno and Carrie Ann carried the sentiment with the night, agreeing that Team Kanenball’s routine was “magical”. Keep reading…

Armenian Kim Kardashian not upset to be on Turkish Cosmopolitan cover?

Kardashian Sisters!

Kim Kardashian celebrity scandal brews over her photo on the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine in Turkey?

[Apr. 12]

Believe who you want but Kim Kardashian herself is saying that she is honored — not upset or appalled — over being featured as the cover model of Cosmopolitan in Turkey. The reality television celebrity is of Armenian descent and has long harbored ill feelings toward the Turkish government for the massacre and treatment of her people, but the modern Turkish culture is actually embracing Armenians more freely in the 21st century. That Cosmopolitan magazine, a worldwide organization, felt comfortable enough to put Kim Kardashian on the cover of their latest fashion magazine knowing that Genocide Remembrance Day falls during the month her edition will be on news stands is a bold statement, one that humbled the green celebrity.

Showbiz Spy reported (via Kim Kardashian herself by blog) the following celebrity quotes:

“Cosmopolitan magazine has a number of international editions all around the world that run in various territories, and when I did this shoot for the international covers I had no idea that Turkey was planning to run my story on their cover THIS month, considering Genocide Remembrance Day is this month.

“My Armenian heritage means a lot to me and I’ve been brought up to be incredibly proud of my family’s background and culture so as an Armenian-American woman it is a huge honor for me to be on the first ever Armenian Cosmopolitan cover.

“I have an amazing relationship with Cosmopolitan Magazine. World-over, Cosmo is known as a fun and inspiring magazine for women of all races, shapes, sizes, regardless of their political beliefs and I really hope that if I can bring awareness to the issue, then this in an accomplishment.”

While other sources who apparently don’t follow Kim Kardashian online have been frantically reporting the first part of her quote and claiming Kim Kardashian is proud of her heritage, they made the misstep in logic by assuming she was appalled by Cosmo not telling her she would be on the cover of the Turkey Cosmopolitan magazine.

Kim Kardashian is not about promoting hostility and division. She is not about hating a people because of their origin or nationality. She is about bringing a sense of freedom and empowerment to women worldwide.

As a green celebrity, Kim Kardashian has spent an enormous amount of time helping promote ideas of natural beauty being from the inside out.

Congrats on the cover, Kim — it’s a real beauty.


Celebrity Couples: DWTS Mark Ballas and American Idol Pia Toscano dating?

Celebrity Couples!

DWTS Mark Ballas and American Idol Pia Toscano hooking up thanks to wrestler Chris Jericho?

[Apr. 10]

Mark Ballas and partner Disney starlet Chelsea Kane may have fired it up on the Dancing with the Stars dance floor, with their unmistakable chemistry both in front of the judges and behind the scenes, but American Idol hopeful Pia Toscano had her eyes on Ballas, since they both worked at the CBS Television Lot where the two shows are filmed.

But Pia needed an introduction, says TMZ. How does a starlet hopeful like Pia Toscano meet with an already famous dancer like Mark Ballas? Through the six degrees of Kevin Bacon — er, separation. Except this time it was only three degrees of separation and no Kevin Bacon (except maybe a little Animal House and Footloose, wink wink). It turns out Pia had a friend who was friends with wrestler Chris Jericho, and of course Chris Jericho also is performing on Dancing with the Stars with Mark Ballas. Voila! Introduction accomplished.

Chris Jericho from Dancing with the Stars must be quite the matchmaker, becaus TMZ says Mark Ballas was receptive and that he and Pia Toscano reportedly had a great time and are looking to have another rendezvous again soon. Mark Ballas even skipped out on a music video shoot for their big night together last Friday.

In spite of Pia Toscano being sent home early in a terrible upset of votes on American Idol, she may have won big anyway, through Chris Jericho, with her big date with Mark Ballas. Kudos to Pia, who many (especially the judges) feel she should not have been voted off the show.

And Mark Ballas is continuing to shine as well, both on stage and behind the scenes. He and Chelsea Kane (Team Kanenball, as Ballas calls the pair) have made it through another week of Dancing with the Stars, and he’s about to release his debut solo album, HurtLoveBox, on April 12, according to USA Today. He wrote the blog for USA Today before he hooked up with Pia Toscano, because in it he says he still planned to shoot a video the next day, but it seems all is working out well.