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Election 2012: Jesse Ventura says Sarah Palin will be elected President?

Election 2012!

Jesse Ventura predicts reality television star Sarah Palin will run for United States President and become the first female president elected?

[Apr. 10]

Jesse Ventura, famed Minnesota governor and former WWE wrestler, is saying Sarah Palin probably will win the presidency if she runs. Sadly, Ventura’s prediction may be right. Elections are far more about popularity and media coverage today than they were in the past, and Sarah Palin is practically a household name.

Jesse Ventura believes Sarah Palin will be far more likely to be manipulated by the powers that be than current President Barack Obama. To that end, Sarah Palin having her own reality television series Sarah Palin’s Alaska is a step in the direction of media saturation needed for a successful bid for the presidency.

Digital Spy reports:

“They’re grooming her for it, she’s got a TV show,” Jesse Ventura said. “It seems that elections today are more popularity than they are substantial issues.”

“[Sarah Palin would] be perfect. She’s the type of person that certainly will be controlled by the status quo and the power structure. So she’d make a perfect candidate for them, she’ll do what she’s told.”

Jesse Ventura has no particular love for Sarah Palin. He just believes the Republican Party is grooming her for the presidency. He’s been outspoken of his feelings for her before, calling Palin a quitter and accusing her of abandoning Alaskans by quitting mid-term.

Dancing With The Stars: Justin Bieber to be next teen celebrity on DWTS?

Dancing With The Stars!

Rumors swirl Justin Bieber to be the next teen celebrity on DWTS?

[Apr. 10]

Romeo, rapper and current celebrity dancer on Dancing with the Stars with partner Chelsea Hightower, has said he’s got a big surprise in store for Justin Bieber fans. Romeo is encouraging voters to keep him in the running for the Dancing with the Stars for season finale surprise featuring Justin Bieber. If he competes, chances are he would be even more likely to make the top three than former teen celebrity Bristol Palin.

Romeo tells Hollywood Life:

“All the Justin Bieber fans, y’all can vote for me as well. If you all keep voting for me I’ll have a surprise, something with Justin. I can’t really tell but if I make it to the finale, it’ll be a great surprise for Bieber fans,”

He has some other advice for voters as well. Romeo says Justin Bieber would have no problem getting votes on Dancing with the Stars, as popular as he already is, and the Biebs already has some dance moves lined up, but Romeo confesses that ballroom dancing is not nearly as easy as it may look, and it’s a far cry from the kind of on-stage crooning the singer and teen heartthrob is accustomed to. Eyelash batting and hair flipping (what left the Biebs has of it) won’t cut it on DWTS.

Nevertheless, Justin Bieber and the charismatic rapper Romeo have worked together before. A remix of “Baby” by Justin Bieber features Romeo. And Romeo feels confident that whatever he has in store for Bieber fans on the finale of DWTS is sure to please. Is it all a bunch of hype, or do Romeo and the Biebs really have something in the works? shows Romeo and the Biebs playing celebrity basketball together a few months ago. Maybe the two worked something out.

DWTS News: Karina Smirnoff posing for Playboy magazine a true rumor?

DWTS News!

Karina Smirnoff posing for Playboy true rumor?

[Apr. 11]

As if the name Smirnoff does not already evoke a sense of wicked lifestyle and debutant debauchery, Karina Smirnoff (no relation to the vodka brand) from the 2011 season of Dancing with the Stars will be featured in the May issue of Playboy magazine, People magazine reports. But it could be hot water for the dancing career of the Ukrainian hottie, who dances with celebrity actor Ralph Macchio, the original Karate Kid, say sources.

“If Karina posed naked [for Playboy], she can kiss her dancing days goodbye,” a ‘DWTS’ insider told PopEater’s Rob Shuter immediately after hearing of Playboy chief Hugh Hefner’s announcement on Twitter. “I hope for Karina’s sake that this isn’t true.”

Well, it is too late it seems, if People Magazine is to be believed. The entertainment journal and its relates sources are all quoting the DWTS professional dancer beauty and saying:

“I’m fearless and love the adrenaline rush,” the dancing pro, 32, tells Playboy, underscoring the point by posing nude in the May issue.

“The May issue of Playboy is unforgettable with Dancing With The Stars’ Karina Smirnoff on the cover and nude inside,” Hefner tweeted on Wednesday.