American Idol judge Jennifer Lopez still taunting husband with boyfriend

The latest celebrity scandal news was that not yet divorced Jennifer Lopez, 42, was spotted in sunny Miami, FL, celebrating the New Year. Apparently the cougar celeb and younger Beau ‘Casper’ Smart were on South Beach in Miami and spotted dancing at club Amnesia together. A source told People the famous celebrity couple seemed to be having a great time. How lovely for her estranged husband Marc Anthony to hear, right? She’s been dragging her new beau around with her young twins and while in Miami Casper Smart managed to get himself a speeding ticket for — get this — drag racing. Now, he’s on probation for it. Keep reading…

Beyonce Knowles pregnant rumors suggest new baby photos coming out soon!

If you want to see Beyonce baby pictures, you may not have to wait, reports the Huffington Post. Some celebrity couples, like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, sell rights to pictures of the baby well before birth. Brangelina, for instance, earned a whopping $12 million for their twins. But that’s not going to happen with Beyonce. Multiple attempts to contact reps for Beyonce and Jay-Z have turned up nothing yet, but expect to see the new baby on a magazine cover shortly! When rights to pictures are sold before birth, the contract often stipulates that the baby may not be seen in public for weeks surrounding the first publication. Keep reading…

The Bachelor: Ben Flajnik ecofriendly sustainable agriculture enthusiast

The devoted wine-o (not whiner) Ben F was an odd choice for the Bachelor in some long term viewers opinions because of his whiny attitude about how badly his relationship with Ashley H ended. After kissing and telling (supposedly to break up Ashley Hebert from her new fiance JP while humiliating her in tabloid press the same way he had been on reality TV) he was not America’s favorite guy, really. But the eco-friendly reality TV star says his company Envolve Winery has committed to using only the most quality fruits from “sustainable, organic, and biodynamic growers,” making Ben Flajnik an up and coming green celebrity. Keep reading…