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President Obama on Oprah to refute Donald Trump, hides bin Laden intel?

Elections 2012!

President Obama and First Lady appear on Oprah to discount Trump week before verifying Osama Bin Laden is dead?

[May 1]

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama appeared on Oprah just hours after the White House released the long form birth certificate last week, demonstrating that President Obama was indeed born in Hawaii — and not Kenya as both Donald Trump, his own wife, and grandmother had claimed. Some continue to criticize the president, saying that he should have released the birth certificate earlier. But most now have begun pulling their punches about the place of birth at least, and are expected to do so with increasing respectfulness now that Obama has released the information requested by Donald Trump and the Tea Party and he made a formal announcement that Osama Bin Laden is dead.

The president, somewhat jokingly, said that he knew he was born in Hawaii, because he was there and he remembered it. First Lady Michelle Obama cut in: “He was born here,” she exclaimed with a laugh, to a cheering audience. This was said in spite of evidence where long before the candidacy, Michelle Obama had proudly claimed in a public speech cause on video tape that her husband Barack Obama was in fact born in Kenya. And yes — the whole issue, whether you like President Obama or not — is disconcerting to say the least.

Bill Cosby slams Donald Trump over presidential political scandal?

Celebrity Scandal!

Actor Bill Cosby slammed Celebrity Apprentice host Donald Trump over presidential political scandal public comments?

[Apr. 9]

Green celebrity actor and comedian Bill Cosby knocked tycoon Donald Trump on Thursday’s edition of the Today show during a talk about education. Cosby stunned hostess Meredith Vieira when she mentioned having an upcoming election and that Donald Trump had just been on the show with her.

Donald Trump has been toying with the idea of running for president, but has said he will not announce anything until June 2011. Trump recently has been outspoken with criticism of President Barack Obama over questions of the president’s citizenship.

When the Today show hostess made mention of the upcoming election and that Donald Trump has been considering running, Cosby interrupted and said, “Oh, please with Donald Trump. Take him home with you.”

Asked why he said that, Cosby responded, “Because he’s full of it,” stunning the hostess into several seconds of silence.

The Today show hostess finally got her bearings and countered that Donald Trump has said he is not ready to announce running for president, to which Bill Cosby said that anyone can announce. Cosby made mention of someone on the Smothers Brothers show years ago announcing a run for president.

“You run, or shut up. But the only thing he’s running is his mouth,” Cosby said.

Royal Wedding Invitations: Rumor overload about Fergie, Obama, Beckhams?

Royal Wedding Invitations! Neither President Obama nor Sarah Ferguson (a.k.a. Fergie) have yet to receive invitations to the royal wedding between commoner Kate Middleton and Prince Charles, who is second in succession to be the next King of England. Victoria Beckham and Davis Beckham have, but they have not, leaving many people asking why. There is no word coming out of Washington about the apparent snub to President Obama, though there is time left until the April 29 royal wedding. Keep reading…

Gather says, “It has been suggested that protection for the President of the United St