Showing 19 Result(s)

Donald Trump might accidentally help nemesis Barack Obama get re-elected

Elections 2012 is almost here and the race for the GOP nomination has been both brutal and bitter. Entering the first week of February with a near victory in Iowa, a win in New Hampshire, a sore loss to Newt Gingrich in Christian ‘Deep South Carolina’, but recovering his dignity with a 14% victory in Florida, Mormon Mitt Romney is the Republican front runner. He’s been valiantly defending himself against Democrats, the liberal media sources like CNN (not FOX), and attacks from both Sarah Palin and Rick Perry. Every time the Republican party starts to gain cohesion something goes wrong. What did Newt do to upset Donald Trump? Keep reading…

Celebrity Apprentice 2011: Who is NeNe Leakes and why is she famous?

Celebrity Apprentice 2011!

Who is NeNe Leakes and why is she famous?

[Apr. 6]

Star of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, NeNe Leakes has a dominating personality. She is unafraid to speak her mind, and she has gotten some flak over some over-the-top behavior. She has been the subject of some controversy with fellow Celebrity Apprentice contestant, Star Jones, even prompting movie star actor Matthew McConaughey to say he can’t wait to see the inevitable fireworks between she and former The View talk show host Star Jones go down. As a green celebrity, NeNe Leakes is competing to benefit Atlanta Union Mission to support My Sister’s House for Women Against Domestic Abuse, but as a Hollywood celebrity who gained fame as a reality television show star, fans want to know… who is this woman and why is she famous? [Even if it is only in her own home town.]

Linnethia “NeNe” Leakes is a native of Queens, New York, and mother of 18-year-old Brice and 9-year-old Brentt, according to Essence magazine. And while she also is a green celebrity, she certainly brought the New York attitude with her to Housewives, and she is poised to do the same for Celebrity Apprentice. If anyone was cast to play the role of antagonist on Celebrity Apprentice, NeNe Leakes is a prize choice.

In an interview with Essence magazine NeNe Leakes said of her appearance on Housewives, “We’re going to bring a lot of fun, a lot of drama. We are five fun, fabulous girls. We’re very smart, we’re businesswomen, we’re go-getters, we’re moms, and I think everybody is going to absolutely love the show. We do have our differences here and there. I really wanted to do the show to get my name and business out there.”

Celebrity Apprentice 2011: Who is Mark McGrath and why is he famous?

Celebrity Apprentice 2011!

Who is Mark McGrath and why is he famous?

[Apr. 6]

Mark McGrath, the lead singer and front man for the California pop rock band Sugar Ray, with hits like When It’s Over and Every Morning, was the co-host of Extra and currently hosts Don’t Forget the Lyrics. The green celebrity also signed a Philadelphia Souls jersey for rocker Jon Bon Jovi along with other notables in 2006 to help raise money for Project HOME in Philadelphia, providing services for chronically homeless people. McGrath will be competing on Celebrity Apprentice to benefit the Save the Music Foundation.

Named America’s Sexiest Rock Star in 1998 b