Election 2012: Trump says Celebrity Apprentice proof he is not racist?
Election 2012!
Donald Trump says Celebrity Apprentice (the reality television show) gives solid proof he is not a racist?
[May 9]
If it’s not a Birther scandal where the awkward green celebrity host of Celebrity Apprentice is accusing the president of the United States of being a Muslim from Kenya, it’s a racism scandal for real estate mogul Donald Trump. Recently people have been criticizing Trump for his attacks on President Barack Obama, and since the release of Obama’s long form birth certificate, Trump has continued to be outspoken in his opposition against the president. Trump appeared on Fox and Friends on FOX News, Monday morning, May 9, 2011, to defend himself.
The billionaire and star celeb Donald Trump pointed to his show, Celebrity Apprentice, as proof that he’s not racist.
The Huffington Post reports Trump as saying:
“I am the least racist person there is,” asserted the potential presidential contender. “And I think most people who know me would tell you that. I am the least racist, I’ve had great relationships.”
A lot of people have come under fire recently for supposedly racist remarks attacking President Obama, but Trump with his high profile has gotten caught up in the whirlwind more than others. The least racist person. The least racist person on the planet? The least racist person considering a bid for the presidency? The least racist person on Celebrity Apprentice? We’re not sure, but he’s the least racist.