Showing 13 Result(s)

Michelle Bachmann steals Tom Petty anthem American Girl for Tea Party?

Tea Party Scandal!

Michelle Bachmann stealing American Girl song from Tom Petty?

[Jun. 28]

She has been asked to stop by the songwriter and has been presented with a legal document to cease and desist, but Tea Party presidential hopeful has continues to willfully misappropriate a Tom Petty song to help promote a Michelle Bachmann orchestrated Obama take down. The classic rock song American Girl is always a party crowd favorite — but not one for public use at political demonstrations when a candidate claims the music as his or her theme song without the permission of the artist. Back when George W. Bush was president, his campaign organizers were asked (told) not to play the “I Won’t Back Down” song that the rocker wrote and preformed enthusiastically for millions during his concert tours of the nations. While he was not anti-soldier, he was anything but pro-Republicans.That’s why at the time he made old George W. pull the song from his DJ playlist in 2002 — as he was using it to promote himself and his political agenda, one Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers were heartbroken to hear because they did not agree with him.

Elections 2012: Elisabeth Hasselbeck agrees with Liberals about Palin?

Elections 2012!

Hell hath frozen over, apparently, because Liberals agree with Elizabeth Hasselbeck about Sarah Palin?

[Jun. 3 — Editorial]

View co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck says notorious reality television star and ex-Governator of Alaska Sarah Palin is manipulating the media to turn public support and attention away from presidential candidate Mitt Romney announcing he is running for office with the hope of beating a failing and flailing President Barack Obama. On May 2, Hasselbeck argued vehemently in her usual ridiculous Republican Barbie doll brain-dead fashion that although the country is facing major economic problems Sarah Palin’

Elections 2012: John McCain says Sarah Palin can beat Barack Obama?

The Huffington post reported John McCain’s new political position blunder with the funniest picture of John McCain simply looking like an idiot. While they strove to spin the article in a neutral light, there is just no way for educated people to take Sarah Palin seriously. The only way that woman would get elected would be not on a political bent — but simply to rub white table salt in Obama’s very black heart over the continued but weakened war efforts, high gas prices, a continued failing housing market, and ridiculously high unemployment. Oh — and remember when recently deceased politician Geraldine Ferraro was fired? Keep reading…