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Mother-Daughter Reality TV series casting call by Jersey Shore creators?

Reality Television News!

Casting Call opens for new Mother-Daughter Reality TV series —

[Apr. 7]

The creators of Jersey Shore have issued a casting call for a new Mother-Daughter reality television series, and if you think Snooki, JWOWW, and The Situation are bad — just wait until you see the mom and daughter pairs they hope to dredge up! Jerry Springer auditions ought to slow down if this reality TV show revs up. Details below.

How likely is it that the new show will feature any eco-friendly celebrities? Not very. However, simply due to the ridiculous factor, we half way expect there to be pampered pets that make an appearance at some point with at least one pet friendly mom or soon-to-be celebrity kids.

We also hope that no matter how crazy the AND SHE’S YOUR MOM show gets that it will have a bit of the Housewives flair, in that moms with means typically will c=participate in some way raising funds for charity.

Keep your fingers crossed, GCN readers, that they elect to feature divas of decadence who hold fund-raisers at local country clubs more than tarts from trailer parks who don’t go farther than the local pub. Since the Judds were already taken by the Oprah Winfrey Network, it will be interesting to see if any star celeb moms and Hollywood starlet girls audition for this casting call.

Pay grade is higher for Jersey Shore Snooki than Nobel Prize winner?

Strange News!

Pay grade is higher for Jersey Shore Snooki to speak at a university than to hire a Nobel Prize winner?

[Apr. 5]

Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi of MTV reality television Jersey Shore fame, earned a whopping 32 thousand dollars for a speaking engagement at Rutgers University, and a lot of students are unhappy about the deal. Rutgers University paid two thousand more than it paid Nobel-prize winning author Toni Morrison.

But WetPaint.Com reports MTV starlet Snooki actually is a green celebrity. The reality television star “works with animal charities, zoos, fire departments, and burn victim charities,” the site says. And the green c

Which Jersey Shore girl is leaving reality TV for a career in professional wrestling?

Jersey Shore News!

[Jan. 9 — News + Editorial]

No, it’s not an oil slick due to hair gel or spray tan residue from the Guidos and Guidettes. The hair spray cloud has not clogged all New Jersey ventilation systems. We’re not even dealing with the fact that Snooki and JWOWW have made a seriously insulting anti-Semitic ranting video attacking one of Green Celebrity News Networks’ favorite talk show hosts and green celebrities Joy Behar this week. Today, the breaking headline news announcement is that Jersey Shore reality television star Angelina Pivarnick might be leaving reality television for a career in professional wrestling.

Now, if you are like us — and don’t watch Jersey Shore with any regularity (if ever) you might be saying to yourself right now, “Who cares?” Well, quite frankly we do, as we think the TNA wrestling arena is the perfect place for all those who worship the Jersey Shore girl way of life or former cast members wrestling with unemployment to be directed while watching TV.

We also think that corralling these people in a stadium and chaining the doors shut, sending in liquor and nacho cheese topped items for sustenance and anything else these bizarre people need to be happy.