Showing 39 Result(s)

Native Americans not happy about Kris Jenner Indian Giver comments

Okay, someone needed to say something to Kris Jenner about how stupid and politically incorrect her remarks calling soon to be ex son-in-law Kris Humphries an Indian Giver were this week. We’re doing it and so are Native American Indian organizations. The new husband of Kim Kardashian was shocked to find out his wife of 72 days had filed for divorce and now the question about who gets to keep the $2 million dollar ring he coughed up to buy her are coming out. What did she say about him and why did she say it? Keep reading…

Toxic Waste: The most famous of the Kardashian sisters filed for divorce

Rumors of an impending divorce have been surrounding the newlyweds for some time now, with Kim Kardashian having said her marriage to Kris Humphries hasn’t been quite what she expected. The news comes on the heels of the six month celebration of the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton — the famous humanitarians and eco-friendly activists from the UK the Hollywood couple was compared to at length by the American media. So much for that comparison, eh? Why did they split — really? Keep reading…

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries not getting busy making babies, why?

Kim Kardashian is famous for tweeting about charity benefits and causes. While this week she has well over 10 million followers — putting her in a verified celebrities tweet league with Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, and Ashton Kutcher — she has not tweeted any baby news yet. Since marrying NBA basketball player husband Kris Humphries, the celebrity coupld has not had much time to get busy (mostly because they have been so busy). When will the newlyweds really settle down and start trying to have children? That depends on quite a few things. Keep reading…