Showing 47 Result(s)

Celebrity Stoners: Who is ‘Twilight’ actress Kristen Stewart, really?

California native Kristen Stewart, born Kristen Jaymes Stewart on April 9, 1990 in Los Angeles, California got famous as a teen scene star playing the lead character Bella Swan in the Twilight movie series. Currently, she has been on Hollywood movie assignment with co-stars Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner filming the next installment of the movie series in places like Brazil [South America], Vancouver [Canada], and Louisiana [United States]. She’s also been spotted recently at the Peoples Choice Awards. The pet friendly actress (who happens to be a cat lover) is one of the highest paid starlets. Keep reading…

Celebrity Kids Fashions: Faux fur fashion stir thanks to Suri Cruise?

Paparazzi from the Daily Mail UK caught up with Hollywood actress and world-famous celebrity mom Katie Holmes out shopping for a girls day out with darling daughter Suri Cruise in Vancouver, Canada. Exciting in and of itself? Only if you like celebrity kids spotting. However, we think the whole Katie-Suri shopping adventure was cool because the mainstream media chose to profile little Suri Cruise — the adorable daughter of actor Tom Cruise — for being an eentsie-weentsie pet friendly celebrity.