Showing 39 Result(s)

Harold Camping predicts October 21st 2011 Doomsday after checking math?

Well, the world didn’t end on May 21, 2011, as most of us are pretty sure by now. But Harold Camping hasn’t stopped there. One might think he could use a dose of reality, but he now is claiming that this has been an invisible Rapture, and that the real Rapture will come October 21, 2011. Remember that we predicted someone would come up with a reason that doomsday didn’t happen. Keep reading…

Celebrity Scandal: Botox Injections, Beauty Pageants, and the Botox Mom

Celebrity Scandal!

Botox Mom pulls a Balloon Boy stunt but blames The Sun for forcing her to make the Botox Injections – Beauty Pageants story up?

[May 23]

Sheena Upton, now known as Botox Mom across the United States after making a special guest appearance on Good Morning America, has backed away from her claims that she gave her 8-year-old daughter injections of Botox (botulinum toxin). The chemical used by plastic surgeons and others to treat frown lines and facial wrinkles has been used by many men and women who turn to plastic surgery to ease signs of aging. However, when parents heard a mother was injecting her child with Botox for a cosmetic surgery enhancement to increase the child’s chances of keeping her baby face longer so she could compete in Toddlers in Tiaras type beauty pageants, there was a national uproar. What followed the airing of the taped interview was a flurry of calls to ask that Botox Mom lose custody of her daughter — which she did. But that proper child removal was not what caused the most recent celebrity scandal. After losing custody of her daughter, Upton claimed that she had been tricked by the British Tabloid, The Sun, into taking on the fake name Kerry Campbell and making up the outlandish story, according to The San Francisco Chronicle.

Now The Sun reporter Ally Einstein, who broke the news, says Upton set her up by peddling a false news story and The Sun staff are rightly angered by the fact that their news organization’s name has been slandered by this crazy, money grubbing, fame whoring witch seemingly mentally unstable parent.

She’s like that Richard Heene guy who perpetrated the Balloon Boy stunt so his family could get their own reality television gig… only worse, as she truly appears to have caused her daughter physical harm in photos of her daughter getting at-home Botox injections done.

NYC Luxury hotel staff failing to report high-profile crimes in time?

Celebrity Scandal!

Luxury hotel staff at Sofitel fail to report high-profile crime in time?

[May 23]

He was one of the most influential men in the world but now is one of the most notorious thanks to a hotel scandal involving rape and hookers. As if it weren’t bad enough that Dominique Strauss-Kahn, former head of the International Monetary Fund, essentially got away with a sexual assault on a female hotel staffer last week after having posted a million dollar bond to get out of Rikers, there are allegations popping up against the high-profile hotel at which he was staying made by rumor mills for both failing to report the crime and allowing prostitutes to conduct business behind their closed doors while management and staff may have turned the other cheek. New York investigators are looking into allegations that the Sofitel staff waited more than an hour to report the attack against one if its own.