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Lady Gaga apologizes to fans for retarded comment via Perez Hilton blog?

Celebrity OOPS!

Lady Gaga apologizes to fans for retarded comment via Perez Hilton blog?

[Apr. 22]

Lady Gaga told British music magazine NME that accusations of plagiarism are “retarded.” But almost immediately realizing her celebrity OOPS moment, she apologized for the use of that particular word. Saying the use of the comment goes against what she does to support causes that she associates with, including her outspoken support for the LGBT community, Lady Gaga ate crow with a seriously apologetic game face on. “I consider it part of my life’s work and music to push the boundaries of love and acceptance,” said Gaga in a statement released through celebrity blogger Perez Hilton. Yes, that is right. She used Perez Hilton to help her get the word out to Little Monsters and Critics everywhere that Lady Gaga did not mean to make a slur against the special needs community or to demean them. She readily admitted her words were chosen poorly.

The press release statement Lady Gaga issued about having used the word retarded inappropriately was written in such a way that is was very politically correct. She writes:

“To anyone that was hurt, please know that it was furiously unintentional.

Whether life’s disabilities left you outcast, bullied or teased, rejoice and love yourself today.” has demonstrated that when engaged, like Lady Gaga, users of the word “retard” are likely to apologize.

You can visit the site to see live streams of tweets using the word. Consider telling those who are using it to take it back and find a better word to discuss the situation. The way Lady Gaga used it demonstrates just how casual it can be, and how unfair it really is.

Says Holly Roos:

“It’s really unfortunate when someone with as much influence as Lady Gaga uses that word,” said Holly Roos, an advocate for, and a mother of two children with Fragile-X syndrome.

“But through The Social Challenge, in just over a month, we’ve actually had hundreds of people tweet back with apologies, pledging not to use the word in the future. It’s a great opportunity to make a difference, and I’m really glad to see that Lady Gaga thought better of her words, too.”

Supermodel Heidi Klum stands up to cancer by pulling pants down?

Green Celebrity News!

Supermodel Heidi Klum stands up to cancer by pulling pants down?

[Apr. 22]

Heidi Klum, model and swimsuit diva, is also a competent actress. She has appeared in Spin City, Sex and the City, and had a cameo appearance in the movie The Devil Wears Prada. She is also one of the celebrity judges on the hit reality TV fashion show series Project Runway and a celebrity mom to boot. Klum has not taken standing up to cancer sitting down. Actually, the only thing that came down on Heidi was her pants when she did a celebrity photo shoot for charity.

Not only has the model been the spokesperson for Victoria’s Secret and graced the cover of Swimsuit Illustrated, according to IMDb, she now is modeling for the Stand Up to Cancer campaign with … no pants. That’s right, Heidi Klum, one of the most beautiful women in the world, according to People Magazine, has taken her pants off, sporting only a Stand Up to Cancer sweatshirt for their ad in People’s Most Beautiful People issue, which hit shelves April 15.

Heidi Klum, a green celebrity who has been married to singer Seal since 2005, is perhaps one of the world’s most down-to-earth supermodels as well. Fans and professionals alike call her funny, goofy, and generally just a nice person. She reportedly maintains the small town girl personality from the time she was discovered, and she has a great relationship with her father, Gunther.

Music News: Weird Al parody of Lady Gaga Born This Way song coming out?

Music News!

Weird Al parody of Lady Gaga Born This Way coming out?

[Apr. 22]

Weird Al Yankovic was struggling to come up with a hit single for his upcoming album. He had all the songs written, recorded, and mastered, he says on his blog, but he needed a single to make the album complete. Despite reservations that “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga would be what everyone expected him to parody, it would in fact be the hit he was looking for.

So, Weird Al sent an email asking for permission to release “Perform This Way” on his upcoming album, highlighting how it would preserve the integrity of pop star Lady Gaga and her human rights theme, and that he wanted the proceeds from the song to benefit the Human Rights Campaign. But representatives of Lady Gaga decided she would have to hear the song before she approved it.

Weird Al set about writing the lyrics so he could get the go-ahead in spite of the fact, as he notes, that his songs generally are upheld as “fair use” in court. He just likes to respect the position of the artists. So he sent off the lyrics to the Lady Gaga reps and got a response back again that she would have to actually hear it.

Weird Al writes in his blog:

At this point she has the lyrics… and hopefully she is familiar with her own song… and the parody is basically her music… with my lyrics. It really shouldn’t be that hard to decide – based on having the lyrics right in front of you – whether or not you’d be okay with a parody.